Aegon: AQ Raids Modok Fight

Chosen85Chosen85 Member Posts: 38
Aegon is great for AQ Raids...until the Modok fight. Because at 1,000 hits he hits through Modok's block which is no good bc you need to be able to strike Modok's block 4 times when prompted. That sucks bc Aegon is such a good option for Raids. There may already be a thread about this but I'm hoping Kabam can remedy this issue.


  • FunkFunk Member Posts: 94
    Where’s the issue? You choose to use him and his combo
  • Mr Wilson FiskMr Wilson Fisk Member Posts: 302 ★★
    edited July 10
    Kabam when they decided to put aegon in the saga meta knowing this was coming

  • wangaguowangaguo Member Posts: 11
    No fixed.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 7,117 ★★★★★
    Chosen85 said:

    Aegon is great for AQ Raids...until the Modok fight. Because at 1,000 hits he hits through Modok's block which is no good bc you need to be able to strike Modok's block 4 times when prompted. That sucks bc Aegon is such a good option for Raids. There may already be a thread about this but I'm hoping Kabam can remedy this issue.

    U could maybe for once not put aegon at 999 combo so lose combo once u hit a nice spot of combo and just keep there as it wont change the hit block prompt
  • CyporgCyporg Member Posts: 301 ★★
    This just happened to me. Can’t use aegon on modok after he has 999 combo as hitting into his block doesn’t register for prompt. Kabam pls fix this.
  • KeluKelu Member Posts: 1
    Hi everyone, I could fulfill the mission thanks to the relic. However it takes time ( I use a Valkyrie relic ) so as she hits three times, I had to kick Modok multiple times just to fill the relic gauge, then use it 2 times. It took me 90 seconds so I didn’t have much time left for Modok
  • Trek26Trek26 Member Posts: 246 ★★
    Well aegon is bad for modok and on the fights on lane 1 and 2 where you have prompted like knock down the opponent. He always ignores the prompt and can never build fervor or do big damage. I'll drop him next raids for HB again.. had a bad time on lane one against guardian
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