Shocker not getting the benefit of Heavy Assault

Sams1987Sams1987 Member Posts: 18
I was doing a run in the crucible last night, with a 15% attack boost and a 30% health and attack boost, and decided to use Shocker for the 7.2.2 Tigra due to them having the heavy assault node, I thought it would be an easy fight. I got to 80 charges rather quickly thanks to the Wombo Combo node, and went for SP2. Charged heavy and it did about 249k damage, which I found odd. I did a test earlier today against ROL winter solider charging heavy with 90 charges since I didn't wanna boost again, and it did 246k damage. My guess is that damage overloaded from my boosts and the node interaction bugged, but I'm curious to see if this a different bug altogether.


  • JinxesaxeJinxesaxe Member Posts: 450 ★★★
    It’s a chain of add ons to damage. Heavy assault goes onto Shocker’s base heavy attack damage, then his charges add onto that. Kind of like how Rintrah and Morbius’s bursts aren’t benefitted by fury, because the fury only affects base damage, not modified.

    Jinxesaxe said:

    It’s a chain of add ons to damage. Heavy assault goes onto Shocker’s base heavy attack damage, then his charges add onto that. Kind of like how Rintrah and Morbius’s bursts aren’t benefitted by fury, because the fury only affects base damage, not modified.


    Just a quick question, is Bethany Ray William Johnson also like this for his bursts or do his furies impact the burst? I can’t see him being able to do 981k without being impacted by fury

    Jinxesaxe said:

    It’s a chain of add ons to damage. Heavy assault goes onto Shocker’s base heavy attack damage, then his charges add onto that. Kind of like how Rintrah and Morbius’s bursts aren’t benefitted by fury, because the fury only affects base damage, not modified.


    Just a quick question, is Bethany Ray William Johnson also like this for his bursts or do his furies impact the burst? I can’t see him being able to do 981k without being impacted by fury
    -Ruler of Latveria,

  • JinxesaxeJinxesaxe Member Posts: 450 ★★★
    His furies impact the burst I believe. Because they aren’t based on how many debuffs he has, and more on how much attack he has. Don’t quote me on that, but I’m pretty certain that’s how it works.

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