Enchantress Damage Reflection Bug in EQ?
I could be wrong, but I'm almost certain the Enchantress boss fight in monthly EQ is bugged. Her SP1's do so much damage it one shot my r5 max sig Doom... And that's JUST in Uncollected difficulty. The damage reflection wiped out my entire team. Doom himself only knocked down about 30% of her HP bar before she killed him, which is why I think it's bugged.
Her kit states "for each active spell, 20% of all incoming damage is prevented. If any spells are still active at the start of her next special attack, the prevented damage is sent back to the attacker as direct damage."
The post fight screen reads that 89% of all damage Doom took, was from reflected damage, but he only did (just under) 30% to her. I understand that there are stacks, so 20% times however many spells she had active, but still, that seems way too high.
The other thing to consider is her total amount of health compared to my champs' health. Since this is ONLY the Uncollected version (haven't played the harder difficulty's yet but cannot imagine the insane damage she'll do...) her total health is 170,695 compared to Doom's 59,985. I did some math (it's hard for me) and Doom did around 30% of her total health which equals 51,300, that number is also 85% of Doom's TOTAL health pool. In a single special, she did 89% of Doom's health and killed him, she reflected MORE than 100% the damage he dealt to her. This damage is reflected even if you block the special attack, as I did.
And as a reminder, her kit does NOT reflect 100% of all damage taken, but ONLY 20% for each active spell, which means she either had at LEAST 6 or 7 spells active the entire fight from the beginning and is "working as intended", OR she's bugged and outputting insane damage she isn't supposed to be. And again, this is only on Uncollected difficulty, imagine the harder ones or worse, her on defense nodes in AW or BG. If this is NOT a bug, she NEEDS nerfed.
I don't like doing this, but if this is a bug, not only does it need fixed ASAP, but compensation in the form of revives is a MUST, as she wiped out my entire team, including two rank 2 7 stars.
Almost forgot to mention, when I tapped the damage icon in the post fight screen, it says and I quote "DAMAGE RELFECTION We have now logged this and will get it fixed soon." which is what led me to believe this is a bug in the first place.
Her kit states "for each active spell, 20% of all incoming damage is prevented. If any spells are still active at the start of her next special attack, the prevented damage is sent back to the attacker as direct damage."
The post fight screen reads that 89% of all damage Doom took, was from reflected damage, but he only did (just under) 30% to her. I understand that there are stacks, so 20% times however many spells she had active, but still, that seems way too high.
The other thing to consider is her total amount of health compared to my champs' health. Since this is ONLY the Uncollected version (haven't played the harder difficulty's yet but cannot imagine the insane damage she'll do...) her total health is 170,695 compared to Doom's 59,985. I did some math (it's hard for me) and Doom did around 30% of her total health which equals 51,300, that number is also 85% of Doom's TOTAL health pool. In a single special, she did 89% of Doom's health and killed him, she reflected MORE than 100% the damage he dealt to her. This damage is reflected even if you block the special attack, as I did.
And as a reminder, her kit does NOT reflect 100% of all damage taken, but ONLY 20% for each active spell, which means she either had at LEAST 6 or 7 spells active the entire fight from the beginning and is "working as intended", OR she's bugged and outputting insane damage she isn't supposed to be. And again, this is only on Uncollected difficulty, imagine the harder ones or worse, her on defense nodes in AW or BG. If this is NOT a bug, she NEEDS nerfed.
I don't like doing this, but if this is a bug, not only does it need fixed ASAP, but compensation in the form of revives is a MUST, as she wiped out my entire team, including two rank 2 7 stars.
Almost forgot to mention, when I tapped the damage icon in the post fight screen, it says and I quote "DAMAGE RELFECTION We have now logged this and will get it fixed soon." which is what led me to believe this is a bug in the first place.
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with the game lately?
It's extremely disappointing
You didn’t mention anything about you removing her spells so I’ll assume for now that she had 3 spells active, the amount she starts the fight with. You said you dealt about 51k damage. However, she has 3 spells and thus 60% damage resistance, so your 51k damage was 40% of what you would’ve dealt otherwise and the other 60% (roughly 75k health) was stored. That would absolutely would be enough to one shot your doom given the healthpool provided if it were reflected back. I’ll give you that if you did remove some of her spells or had at least 1 debilitate on her that would change the math, but if you were just attempting to nuke her down without regard for her spells then that sounds correct.
Whether you think this is still unfair is a separate question (I’m personally waiting to see how she shakes out in war and bg metas before I make a judgement on if she’s broken, although I certainly am worried about her potential) but this doesn’t seem to be a bug based on what I read. She just REALLY punishes you if you don’t play around her spell mechanics.
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with the game lately?
It's extremely disappointing
It's a mess for sure. Has been for a few years now honestly. Performance and input problems are so bad right now though.
The 100% I mentioned in the post refers to the fact that she did indeed deal 100% of damage that I dealt to her total health pool and then some. It's actually closer to 120% of damage since I rounded the numbers up originally. Doom did not do 30% of damage to her, but she dealt equal to 30% (again, MORE than that) of her own health as damage back to him so, either she had at least 6 stacks of 20%, or the numbers are too high and bugged. So 30% of her health pool is 51.3k. If she took that 51.3k and stored 20% of it say, 3 times for the number of spells she starts the fight with, then dealt back 100% of the 3 stacks of 20%, (making the total roughly 60%) Doom should have only received 30.7k, not the full 51.3k+ which she did.
It's so confusing and complicated honestly and I hope I'm explaining my thought process clearly. Lol But it IS too high either way. Whether it's a bug or just how her kit functions, it's insane and needs adjusted. Also, Doom wasn't the only champ to suffer this. Domino also took 85% damage (and died from) reflect and Surfer took 90% and died as well. To help me (hopefully) understand it all later on, or as proof to Kabam if need be, I have screenshots of each post fight screen to document the absurd amount of damage my champs took from that singular mechanic.
I will admit I didn't pay attention to how many spells she had active at the time. I usually don't read nodes or kits because I simply don't have the time to do so, that's why I play Uncollected difficulty first. I can always nuke all opponents in Uncollected with no problem while still getting a feel for the nodes and the new champs to see how they play. That gives me the chance to familiarize myself with the new champs' move set as well, including dex timing on specials. I just simply don't have the time to study each new champ every month or get a PHD in all the different nodes and mechanics. Lol
Example: Enchantress has 3 spells active on fight start and I deal what would normally be 1000 damage in a normal fight. She prevents 60% of the damage (600 health), and the damage she actually takes, or what you see yourself doing, is only the remaining 400 health. She throws another sp1 and the 600 stored damage is reflected to you despite the fact you only dealt 400 damage to her.
I don’t blame you for being confused, the game is complicated nowadays and Enchantress is explicitly supposed to be pushing the envelope in terms of complexity. Maybe I’m not even understanding her right. But as far as I can tell this is within the possibility of her design. Again, whether this is balanced or not is tbd. If you do want to post images or even a video though I’m willing to look it over and see if either of us are missing something.
kitty should not get damage whan phased!!! everr
So if you did 51k, you actually did 127k, Enchantress prevented and stored 76.5k (60%), and only 51k (40%) went through. Then when she launched a special, she sent back 71k to you.
Working as intended.