There really is no "easy" path. You're using a different champ for every single fight. It will only be as easy as your roster allows it to be. I guess the Gwenmaster path is technically "easier" in legendary, but only because it doesn't have the two Kangs. However, the Kangs path also has a couple less fights, so it that regard that path is easier.
There's no point in an "Easy" path because there's no completion reward of any note for Normal Difficulty, you need to fully explore it to get the notable rewards - by Sep 4.
The path that doesn't have that damn Superior Kang on it is easier. Also, there are many other annoying fights that make the Kang path way harder. The gwenmaster path was mostly a breeze.
Use the guide found here to plan out your champs and that will help you determine what's easier for your roster.