LF Alliance. 21.5k prestige. 3.3 mil rating


I’ve been absent from an alliance for a while due to burnout but I’m ready to hop back in. I’m mainly BG focused but can help out in AQ and raids. I have absolutely no desire to participate in war. Just looking for a chill laid back alliance to collect some glory with. Hit me up!


  • Dan__4Dan__4 Member Posts: 77

  • Seamus2099Seamus2099 Member Posts: 73
    Hit me up on Line if still looking. Seamus2099.
  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,676 ★★★★★
    If you’re interested after the season ends I’m looking at starting a new AQ only ally, running map 7/8, if interested add me in game under the same name as here
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