Pq ah Kaban n acaba com os Ratos q usam mod

Gostaria de saber pq ah Kaban n acaba com os Ratos q usam mod no jogo...pois, nunca teve tanto "lenda" no jogo ...daeh tu olha o perfil os cara n tem 1k de missões eh lutas em geral o pior q acontece as denúncias eh ngm faz nada

Pq ah Kaban n acaba com os Ratos q usam mod 2 votes

Extermínio dos ratos (hack)
Loki_Poki1280EdisonLaw 2 votes
Acabem com os mod (ratos)


  • Rick1919Rick1919 Member Posts: 3
    Fotos são provas do qto esses Ratos estão usando mod no jogo... estão nas Aw, Bg eh ngm faz nada 💣🐨
  • Loki_Poki1280Loki_Poki1280 Member Posts: 513 ★★★
    edited August 2024
    Extermínio dos ratos (hack)
    I used Google translate so I'm not sure If I voted right 😅
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 1,987 ★★★★★
    Primeiro que ta falando em português em um forum EUA, segundo que ta cheio de gíria, como exatamente você quer que os membros te entendam?
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,153 ★★★★★
    edited August 2024
    "Ininteligível em português"

    Corrected the text and translated

    I'd like to know why Kabam doesn't get rid of the Rats that use mods in the game... because there's never been so much "legend" in the game... then you look at their profile, the guys don't have 1k missions and fights in general. The worst thing is that complaints happen and no one does anything


    Why Kabam doesn't put an end to Rats who use mods?
    Rat extermination (hack)
    Get rid of the mods (rats)

    2nd post
    Photos are proof of how much these Rats are using mods in the game... they are in Aw, Bg and no one does anything 💣🐨
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