Lagacy is just bad at the game?

This is where we are. Kabam has made it clear. You need to be skilled to beat Serpent. That's all. Clearly if you struggle with him then you are just bad at this game. Take a tech champ against him. That should work. They have the set ups to beat him. Obviously you'll have an advantage. It's kind of upsetting that such a previously skilled player has fallen so easily to a super easy to beat champ. I mean come on. Is Serpent even mid tier? I personally never lose to Serpent. Haven't lost one match. All I have to do is ban him. Every...single....match. easy easy 👌🏼 no bashing here. Watch his stream. Lags openly admits he just isn't a skilled player according to the evidence. In all seriousness. Good luck guys and gals. You all make this game a pleasure to play and I'm excited to ban your serpents!
Lagacy is such a noob, same go with Trappy, Nagase, KT1, Nick, Bero, all Noobs.
And what with the small accounts, they only have like 2 or 3 counters (maybe 5 in a good meta) in their Dex, like come on spend a little and rank up some champs.
It not like the crystal RNG is a big issue, maybe a couple of Grandmaster crystals would easily drop you a 7* feature champs.
I also never lost a fight to Serpent, I mean I never fought him before, but hey my record is still 100% never lost to Serpent.
Sorry at time like this, if I don't laugh I will just cry, and to be clear I have fought Serpent before and lost everytime 🤣🤣🤣
It’s like this game is a contest of noobs
Kabam literally loves to say, "uhh we have data, we will make changes accordingly to uhhh data."
Can they not see Serpants Ban % and how much times he stomps in BG when he doesn't get banned?
So now we really only have 1 ban spot left after the mandatory Serpent and Enchantress bans, maybe we can ban them from arenas, EQ, AQ and AW as well?
Had brought Squirrel Girl just as a synergy, but her sp2 got her, hence the new avatar.
Maybe he’s not on the level of those other guys but he’s definitely close. And if he’s not even good, then everyone else is cooked.