Yet another Silver Sable complaining post cause why not (I just duped her)

Correct me if I'm wrong but I've heard that her damage was thought of to be fine and we shouldn't expect any buff towards that particular area. How is it so? Sig 20 7* rank 2 Silver Sable can't even do LoL Starlord in under 5 mins, how is that ok for a champ designed for medium-long form content? I've had the most cooperative AI imaginable as well, he went for every single intercept yet it still took over 5 mins. She is not a bgs champ, I understand that but her playstyle is so strict that she wouldn't work for %90+ of necropolis either. Complicated nodes will only mess with her rotation further...
I honestly believe that this champion is beyond repair and should be deleted if possible, with all due respect it feels like such a terrible design that just wouldn't work out. She is not fun, all that work to deal 1/3 of Kate Bishop's constant dps for about 10 seconds is not fun. She has no damage, no utility, no anything. We'll see what Kabam's "data" tells us I guess though I've lost faith after the recent rebalance infos. I fear that she may never reach a state where she'll be deemed "decent" but one can hope...
TLDR: Silver Sable sucks. A lot.
I honestly believe that this champion is beyond repair and should be deleted if possible, with all due respect it feels like such a terrible design that just wouldn't work out. She is not fun, all that work to deal 1/3 of Kate Bishop's constant dps for about 10 seconds is not fun. She has no damage, no utility, no anything. We'll see what Kabam's "data" tells us I guess though I've lost faith after the recent rebalance infos. I fear that she may never reach a state where she'll be deemed "decent" but one can hope...
TLDR: Silver Sable sucks. A lot.
She’s kind of fun when I use her in arena and I don’t expect every champ that comes along to be OP.
The bad champs make the good ones that much better in my opinion
IMO Sable is worse than bad. She’s directly outclassed. Her three core abilities are shock damage, DAAR, and miss countering. I genuinely think she loses on all fronts to BWDO who also does those three things. She’s harder to use, has similar damage at best, less reliable/more risky, has less practical DAAR, and her miss counter is harder to access. Her only advantages (besides being a 7*) barely matter; being better into shock immunity is irrelevant when the damage cut still means you probably wouldn’t use either in such a scenario. Her ability to ignore miss instead of BWDO’s safety net isn’t really necessary when most miss effects are brief and have a cooldown (Photon, Spidey supreme, Maw, G99). Sable doesn’t have anything else to offer besides a more difficult but perhaps more interesting playstyle, but it’s hard to use that as justification to make a champ worse than one 4 years older than her. To add insult to injury, she’s also probably one of the least interesting characters visually in a long time.
Sable’s in a bad spot. She kinda NEEDS something. I know people are perhaps understandably pissed at the balancing program right now (I’m certainly upset about Serpent), but I’m usually okay with their decisions. I don’t know that I could trust them anymore if they decide Sable is fine as is. All the champs I listed in the first paragraph, I think I could make legitimate arguments as to their viability in certain situations that are UNIQUE to them. I’m struggling to do the same with Sable. Choosing to tune up Sable is the easiest thing Kabam could do to help restore some faith in them, and I really hope they don’t throw away such a free point in their favor.