Little buff ides for Guillotine
I think Guillotine is heavily underrated. I loved her and her play-style, but there are two chances that I think could really make her better :
1-Implement her synergy with Purgatory into her base kit. Purgatory isn’t that great of a champ, and Guillotine isn’t viewed as a great champ either, so no one is gonna bring these two, but I think allowing Guillotine to apply critical bleeds on some of her critical hits can be absolutely huge for her. It could make her much stronger in Battlegrounds too.
2-As a mystic, I feel like she should be able to be stronger against champs with a lot of buffs. Perhaps in matchup with a lot of buffs, she gains her charges quicker ? Or maybe additional charges per buff ? Or maybe she could even apply more bleeds per buffs on the opponent.
Those changes are really little, but they could make her a MUCH better champ.
1-Implement her synergy with Purgatory into her base kit. Purgatory isn’t that great of a champ, and Guillotine isn’t viewed as a great champ either, so no one is gonna bring these two, but I think allowing Guillotine to apply critical bleeds on some of her critical hits can be absolutely huge for her. It could make her much stronger in Battlegrounds too.
2-As a mystic, I feel like she should be able to be stronger against champs with a lot of buffs. Perhaps in matchup with a lot of buffs, she gains her charges quicker ? Or maybe additional charges per buff ? Or maybe she could even apply more bleeds per buffs on the opponent.
Those changes are really little, but they could make her a MUCH better champ.
From Maestro to onslaughts to everything in between.
If I was the designer i would have did this with deathless Guillotine
100% bleed/ rupture debuff on every crit she lands
She heals 1% of all damage taken by opponent.Healing increased by 1% more for every soul she has maximum of 20% of all damage taken by opponent
Heavy attack applies bleed curse for 15 sec( 10 sec currently)
When opponent is inflicted with her personal debuff or she and her opponent loses 5% hp she gains one soul charges
Soul charges max out at 20 charges
Pre fight to use either rupture or bleed debuff in fight
Sp1 grants a nullification aura passive for 10 sec nullify opponent buff every 2 sec and spent 10 soul and increase duration for additional 10 sec
Sp2 applies spectre reducing healing 200% for 10 sec consume 10 soul to increase spectre duration to 20 sec
Sp3 applies a degen passive dealing 0 damage for 30 sec and consume 10 soul charges to increase duration till 40 sec
Till this degen passive is active instead of bleed or rupture applies degen debuff to the opponent
Signature ability
If opponent is immune or purifies her personal debuff she inflict degen passive instead with 40- 120% of it's original potency
If opponent has atleast one of her personal debuff/passive they suffer -45% to 80% ability power rate(serpent counter potentially)