Serious problems with the bahamet boss

My iPad is pretty old. So sometimes it just doesnt load some graphics. Like when I do omega sentinel’s cool sp3 I don’t get to see the colours of the beams properly and things like that. The game is perfectly playable and it still has good enough graphics and I play it for the gameplay anyway. HOWEVER, the bahamet boss in 8.2.6 is giving me some SERIOUS trouble in the sense that his radiation blast , DOESNT LOAD. So the entire fight when he has been throwing his radiation blast I have just been throwing my specials and hoping for the best. This had been working until I got to the last 10% which is the phase you and bahamet parry his radiation blast back and forth, “parry ping pong” I’ve heard people call it. But as you might guess since the radiation blast graphic doesn’t load I can’t parry the blast since I can’t see it. What do I do?