Should there be progression base rewards in battlegrounds?

Seeing as the buff next season rewards should the increase the rewards in general?
Especially the store it needs an update a lot of it is out of date especially is with bigger rosters and higher end of valient side
Especially the store it needs an update a lot of it is out of date especially is with bigger rosters and higher end of valient side
It's been a while since these outlier defenders were released, and anyone who doesn't have them in the 7-star version simply can't compete anymore. I used to be able to stay in celestial 5/6 almost every season without much difficulty, now I simply lose to accounts much lower than mine because I don't have the meta champions. I have 108 7-stars but I just haven't had any luck getting these defenders.
In short, BG is broken. Kabam knows this. That's why they don't change the rewards, only the solo and alliance milestones. They probably don't want anyone to feel forced to play BG. And I hope it stays that way.
To be fair, I think they could improve the store.
Yes to some extent, there will always be big accounts
And I get it, everyone wants to push and get best rewards but there always gona be people who spend to get more resources
I myself have Over 100 7*
Where am I gona use them all to full extent of my roster besides arena?
Atleast in bg’s you can rank up for the season meta. Just like nova for example, he will be good vs crit me meta.
Now imagine pulling him in the titan, you can atleast use him and make him viable.
But this as close to “pvp” we can get to in mcoc.
Otherwise i honestly don’t see what the next big game mode can even top..
We have raids sure, but those are getting stale and boring aswel.
Mysterium 1 gets 60k trophy token. & Above will have a roaster developing faster . Which will create the gap of account size even more & people will start complaining about matchmaking even more 😂. So u want that ??
Besides those who push for top spots will always have a developed roster, they spend money to get a big roster anyways.
Same with master alliance wars.
Its better not to have t4a in the store as it'll probably be ridiculously expensive and need a lot of tokens.
You can use your rost without any problems, every 3 months the node changes and you need to go up and play with new things.
I still play BG, but only up to Mysterium 1. I don't take BG seriously anymore and that works for me.