Dani Vs kindred

JohnnooooooJohnnoooooo Member Posts: 160 ★★★

Is the marked passive meant to bypass end of life things like immortality etc.?? Don't know if I've missed something in the ability or not.. thanks


  • JohnnooooooJohnnoooooo Member Posts: 160 ★★★
    Squidopus said:

    Marked bypasses (via AAR) the effects it explicitly lists, which includes things like immortality and indestructible. Kindred does not use any of those listed effects, he simply cannot be knocked out while the root is active or attempting to activate. Ergo, marked does nothing against him besides preventing his regen passive at low health.

    Thank you for that, makes sense.. I've just read both abilities, and while not too clear on kindreds, the marked ability lists various things making it appear like kindreds would be one.. but yes, thanks for the explanation
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 5,873 ★★★★★
    Johnoooo, Dani's Marked ability is much less useful than it should be. As a character, Dani is a Valkyrie who is supposed to usher souls to the afterworld; and so she was designed and presented to us as a champion who can beat "Cheat Death" mechanics. That's literally one of her strengths, in her spotlight.
    But does she, really?


    Dani's Marked Passive does work reliably against:
    • Hela
    • Hercules
    • Punisher (Classic)
    • Immortal Hulk
    It doesn't work whatsoever against:
    • Phoenix
    • Kindred
    • Corvus
    • Luke Cage
    • Do not go gentle node (tested in 6.2.5)
    • Lazarus node (tested in 7.3.2)
    • Life Cycle node (tested in 6.2.1)
    I haven't tried Dani against Clare Voyant, because basically it's too much hassle to test.

    And she's a very unreliable partial counter to two meta defenders with Cheat Death mechanics - Nick Fury and Serpent...

    ...For Nick, Marked doesn't work at all. Her ability to 'counter' Nick relies on him being affected by Neuroshocks when he 'dies' (they only last 8 seconds), the Neuroshocks being Purified (only reliable at high Sig), turning into Passives, preventing Nick's Healing, and finally killing him when he stops trying to heal.
    However, in order to inflict Neuroshocks in the first place, she needs Neural Arrows; which she only gets when the opponent Misses her... And a defending Nick Fury is one of the best Miss counters in the game, so... She's not great at this.

    ...For Serpent, Marked does work; but it's intrinsically unreliable because he has a base 125% chance to Cheat Death.
    Also, trust me when I say that you don't want to use Dani for this fight: she'll suffer insane chip damage; and a defending Serpent is one of the other best Miss counters in the game, so she gets few if any Neural Arrows in this fight, too.
    Serpent also dramatically reduces her critical damage, and he reduces the burst damage from Overload by 60%. So he has defenses against basically every ability she has...

    So, yeah: Hela, Hercules, Classic Punisher, and iHulk. That's what Marked counters. And in case it wasn't obvious, all those champions (none of whom are any great shakes on defense, anyway) are also countered perfectly effectively by all other types of Ability Accuracy Reduction: half of the Skill class, anyone who inflicts concussion (Luke, Gambit, Apocalypse, Emma Frost, etc) or runs the Assassin Mastery...
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