Possibility of Compensation for SOS Toad? - And General AI Thread (PLEASE Read All Before Hating)

JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 249
edited October 1 in General Discussion
This post is in more of an inquisitive manner so PLEASE do not hate or disagree if I am out of line, but please let me know if I am. I normally wouldn’t make a post like this as I don’t beg and if it’s a skill issue I just cut my losses and move on. I made a similar post but it got moved to another discussion and lost in the jumble. However, I feel like some compensation for THOSE THAT COMPLETED AT LEAST ONE OBJECTIVE OF THE TOAD SOS might should be eligible for some sort of compensation. The AI in game has been off for a while, but the toad fight proved just how awful it can be. I shouldn’t have to bait specials for 25+ dexes or get special intercepted in a “glitchy” sort of manner or have the AI dash back suddenly right as I’m about to perform an intercept. I have been playing long enough to know when it’s a skill issue on my part and it definitely partly is…but this AI in particular is the issue. Nothing is going to completely fix the AI except…well…fixing the AI, but some compensation might help…maybe anywhere from 50-200 units OR UNITS WORTH of revives? Let me know your thoughts or if I am out of line thinking this. A ton of players don’t have rows and rows of 5/65 6 stars or r3 7 stars to solo these fights…which I get it…improve my roster…but this fight wasn’t even a roster issue. I have a 5/65 5 star juggs that I could bare with and would take me a second but with not throwing an sp1 it would take me an hour lol (exaggerating). I can see how players with a 7 star r1 hulk or juggs or r5 ascended hulkling might shrug this off but for paragon players like myself bearing with these fights trying to progress I don’t have stacks and stacks of revives to say “oh well”. While I’m here, the AI in general has been acting in a “glitchy” sort of manner steadily holding block off and on, holding block, waiting to throw specials until debuffs like porker poppers expire, special intercepting at random times, almost “phasing” and “bugging” through already landed hits, recovering too quickly after specials…the list goes on. So with that being said, I think it may be fair for those who did at least one objective of the toad fight to receive some compensation and the hand of Kabam. Please leave your thoughts or if I’m completely out of line. Again, this is not begging but a plea and place for people to leave their thoughts, but please do not hate or leave a bunch of disagrees without reading so that you can see the inquisitive manner of this post. Thanks guys - hope some people agree with this thought process.


  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 249
    This can also be a general thread regarding the AI as some of the other threads have died out a bit and I feel like it’s a game-altering issue even though it doesn’t make the game “unplayable” like some people exaggerate
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★★
    edited October 1
    No, no need, that my opinion
  • _Pez__Pez_ Member Posts: 254 ★★★
    You get around 28 free revives that can sit in overflow over a 2 week period that needs to be used up between SOS changeover. There isn't much to use them on so even with admittedly crappy AI (assuming there is no other new content needing many revives) you shouldn't lose out much from a fight like this.
  • JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Member Posts: 249
    _Pez_ said:

    You get around 28 free revives that can sit in overflow over a 2 week period that needs to be used up between SOS changeover. There isn't much to use them on so even with admittedly crappy AI (assuming there is no other new content needing many revives) you shouldn't lose out much from a fight like this.

    Where do you farm yours at?
  • JAYRAVAL7896JAYRAVAL7896 Member Posts: 106
    _Pez_ said:

    You get around 28 free revives that can sit in overflow over a 2 week period that needs to be used up between SOS changeover. There isn't much to use them on so even with admittedly crappy AI (assuming there is no other new content needing many revives) you shouldn't lose out much from a fight like this.

    It's not free. It's use time and time is money.
  • _Pez__Pez_ Member Posts: 254 ★★★

    _Pez_ said:

    You get around 28 free revives that can sit in overflow over a 2 week period that needs to be used up between SOS changeover. There isn't much to use them on so even with admittedly crappy AI (assuming there is no other new content needing many revives) you shouldn't lose out much from a fight like this.

    It's not free. It's use time and time is money.
    I mean it's autoplaying the daily quest apothecary and doing things would generally do anyway for 22 hour objective (except event quest completion). Not exactly time consuming
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