The_cloneThe_clone Member Posts: 9
When fighting Prowler with Storm OG I do not seem to be getting then Vigilance passive when gaining role charges making it impossible to punish special 1 attack. I am getting the buff in my other account using IMOG


  • SkalamenkoSkalamenko Member Posts: 178
    I laso had bugs, where i didnt get any raid fervor against him using silk
  • Chris648511Chris648511 Member Posts: 6
    I am currently facing the second Prowler on the far right path and am having similar issues. Half of my fervors are not registering. Knock down and light attacks only register 1 every 3-4 times. Evade seems to be slightly better but still not great. I'm wasting too many revives for fights I'm not even getting to do until 2-2.5min in because it won't register.
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