Should the cost of Raids Tickets be Lowered from 180?

PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,952 ★★★★★
edited October 2024 in General Discussion
There's been an overwhelming amount of posts about how bad/ RNG dependent the chest rewards are as a majority of the time people just get t6cc.

However it wasn't as much of an issue before because of how bad the Glory Store was ; people would just use their Glory on buying tickets. But now with the Glory Store buffed, you have to pick between buying resources from the store vs tickets.

I assume most will switch to using Loyalty to buy their Tickets now, but overall i do feel the cost of the tickets can be lowered. This could also allow those retired/burned out players etc to get by with doing map 6 or lower AQ instead of doing map 8 purely for the tickets

Should the cost of Raids Tickets be Lowered from 180? 134 votes

NMEONESDrZolaWorld EaterabelarmizuffyGK_23andrade5184yossMqc19NojokejaymNiftycracausticSceptilemaniacHendrossKallaiRzbot34EddieVanWDRTOFire_MarineSachhyam257 125 votes
GarloFunkYodabolt21JT_SupremeLokxToniXD_16MethodMan69SkalamenkoAlphapanda333 9 votes


  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,952 ★★★★★

    120 is good

    120 sounds good
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,321 ★★★★★
    edited October 2024
    I’m curious to know what expected vs. actual participation numbers look like.

    That would be the beginning step for any entry fee adjustment.

    Dr. Zola
  • Friendly001Friendly001 Member Posts: 633 ★★★
    90 was awesome
  • FinalfurykFinalfuryk Member Posts: 393 ★★★
    Month in and month out Raids continually having a problem is a real issue. This is the third cycle in a row where something has been fundamentally broken or unbalanced. I have a lot of patience for the game team but this is ridiculous.
  • spidyjedi84spidyjedi84 Member Posts: 437 ★★★
    And let's be honest, Kabam. $30 for 180 raid tickets is way overvaluing their worth. I'll never pay that, just skip quests that week.
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,717 ★★★★★
    Until it’s bug free it should be 90 tickets.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 4,952 ★★★★★
    It would be nice to have some Glory sent out in the mail for acknowledging the myriad of bugs we've seen back to back , if there is no plans on lowering the cost of the tickets.
  • N8buckeye08N8buckeye08 Member Posts: 289 ★★★
    I think it’s getting close to needing a rewards buff, not a reduction in raid tickets. Nearly a year ago, the rewards were pretty substantive. It felt like a big deal to run it and well worth the effort.

    Also, it would be nice if they gave Ultron a way a little more frequently
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