Current Battlegrounds Season Poll

There are a few issues with the current battlegrounds season
1. The rewards have reverted back to normal, no banquet tickets, normal solo and alliance BGS rewards
2. The meta this season gives defenders too much advantage
3. Many people have expressed burnout after last season BGS blitz realm event and have decided to take a break this season
1. The rewards have reverted back to normal, no banquet tickets, normal solo and alliance BGS rewards
2. The meta this season gives defenders too much advantage
3. Many people have expressed burnout after last season BGS blitz realm event and have decided to take a break this season
Current Battlegrounds Season Poll 79 votes
It's time for BG shop buff (everything's just so overpriced)
It's time for BG season rank rewards buff. (Saw video of trappy or was it grass? He got placed celestial 6 and couldn't even open 1 single 7* crystal? Tf, all he could open was, you guess it right, relic rewards 🤮)
Idk what's focus of Kabam but BG is gamemode which should get constant updates every 4 months or so.
So, no need to play as in the realm thing, but there are BG milestones to achieve.
This just endorses that Realm events was a great idea.
Have a good Battlegrounds day.
Dr. Zola