And just like that, the new revive farm is born. Go into a quest, team wipe to the first fight, buy revives and heals at a discount.
Works only once per day as someone said in other thread, Still a great one tho.
But technically revive farming mentions to any activity that gives revive without a direct unit cost.
It's definitely not a true farm, but it's a better alternative than paying full price and it's easy to do. It's the closest we will ever get to a farm again.
And just like that, the new revive farm is born. Go into a quest, team wipe to the first fight, buy revives and heals at a discount.
Works only once per day as someone said in other thread, Still a great one tho.
But technically revive farming mentions to any activity that gives revive without a direct unit cost.
It's definitely not a true farm, but it's a better alternative than paying full price and it's easy to do. It's the closest we will ever get to a farm again.
It doesn’t work if you’re clere it ones I try to get it to poop op
I'm the guy that mentioned the 24-hour refresh (or at least on one post it was me) and, well, seems that we should've kept this one under wraps, since it's not dropping for me anymore either.
Go into a quest, team wipe to the first fight, buy revives and heals at a discount.
Someone said it would pop up once in a 24 hour span, so that's 10 revives and day.
But technically revive farming mentions to any activity that gives revive without a direct unit cost.