Discussion About Monthly Login Calendar & SDE

Monthly Login Calendar
First off, these are free gifts just for logging in but a lot of games have these and they should be good to make you login everyday.
As a valiant player since almost day 1 and as a player for years monthly login calendar was always disapponting. Let me explain the items that I think should change:
Getting 8k gold on the first weeks days, 10k gold on the second and 20k on the third; I mean come on
They should be at least x20. I am not short on gold I have around 100M but still 8k??
Getting 1 team revive a month.. ok this is fine, but getting 2 lvl2 revives a month? We can get them daily for just playing the game. These 2 lvl2 revives should be lvl3 revives on the calendar.
7 Star Shards
We get 2000 7 star shards per month. Depending on the month we get 500 shards extra per day. At least for valiants this should change to titan crystals. Getting 2000 titan shards per month, opening 1 for free for playing the game everyday for 10 months seems fair and maybe even not enough (extra days can still give 7 star shards but should be 1000 or something).
Rank Up Materials
1 t6b and 1 t3a should be 3, at least for valiants.
Getting 100 units per month is really low too but since this is a premium currency, I won't suggest it to be improved.
Super Daily Event
Now let's get to the point. I love SDE and asked for it to come back too, but SDE should not remove 4hr crystals. Let me explain. I have a lot of revives and potions constantly expiring on my stash. When kabam gives us a hard content, I usually open my 4hr crystlas and mainly use them for the potions for the hard content. Because by the time we get a hard content most of stash is gone and there is no way to keep them but 4hr crystals allows us to open them when we need them.
If SDE removes 4hr crystals we will never have a guaranteed way to save potions when we need them. This is really a problem. SDE can give a ton of potions daily but they will expire.
So I think SDE is great and should come back no matter what, but my suggestion is; it shouldn't replace 4hr crystals. You can remove health potions from the SDE and let us keep the 4hr crystals.
These are my suggestions to the kabam team, a heads up for the community about SDE removing 4hr crystals permanently and possible consequences when we have a hard content to complete. Let me hear your suggestions or opinions about mine.
First off, these are free gifts just for logging in but a lot of games have these and they should be good to make you login everyday.
As a valiant player since almost day 1 and as a player for years monthly login calendar was always disapponting. Let me explain the items that I think should change:
Getting 8k gold on the first weeks days, 10k gold on the second and 20k on the third; I mean come on

Getting 1 team revive a month.. ok this is fine, but getting 2 lvl2 revives a month? We can get them daily for just playing the game. These 2 lvl2 revives should be lvl3 revives on the calendar.
7 Star Shards
We get 2000 7 star shards per month. Depending on the month we get 500 shards extra per day. At least for valiants this should change to titan crystals. Getting 2000 titan shards per month, opening 1 for free for playing the game everyday for 10 months seems fair and maybe even not enough (extra days can still give 7 star shards but should be 1000 or something).
Rank Up Materials
1 t6b and 1 t3a should be 3, at least for valiants.
Getting 100 units per month is really low too but since this is a premium currency, I won't suggest it to be improved.
Super Daily Event
Now let's get to the point. I love SDE and asked for it to come back too, but SDE should not remove 4hr crystals. Let me explain. I have a lot of revives and potions constantly expiring on my stash. When kabam gives us a hard content, I usually open my 4hr crystlas and mainly use them for the potions for the hard content. Because by the time we get a hard content most of stash is gone and there is no way to keep them but 4hr crystals allows us to open them when we need them.
If SDE removes 4hr crystals we will never have a guaranteed way to save potions when we need them. This is really a problem. SDE can give a ton of potions daily but they will expire.
So I think SDE is great and should come back no matter what, but my suggestion is; it shouldn't replace 4hr crystals. You can remove health potions from the SDE and let us keep the 4hr crystals.
These are my suggestions to the kabam team, a heads up for the community about SDE removing 4hr crystals permanently and possible consequences when we have a hard content to complete. Let me hear your suggestions or opinions about mine.
I just read about it removing daily and 4hr crystals and just thought it straight up removed them. My bad.
There are a lot of places to improve rewards on like BG store or Black ISO Market, I didn't mention them in this post because I've seen posts talking about them, don't remember seeing a calendar one and it really sucks to get 8k gold on the first day of a month.
First day of every month they send us mails like ''checkout the new calendar woow new month, new rewards'' but it's always bad.