Mysterium Mayhem
Isn’t there a set standard amount of weekly Mysterium set in this game? Since returning to the game in June, the regular amount of Mysterium acquired through the side quest and its solo objectives has been about 27,000 per week. Periodically an additional amount would be handed out through saga rewards, but that was to help cover the additional cost of the saga tokens added to the trader’s outpost. Returning to the game and seeing the new Trader’s Outpost shop was a huge highlight and even now is a great contribution to accountable consistent progression. Now, suddenly, the weekly amount of Mysterium has changed and without any sort of notice or explanation. This sudden change without warning feels like we’re having resources stolen from us. In addition to the lower amount of Mysterium distributed weekly, the 2 month side quest only has 6 weeks of content. So it wasn’t bad enough that the weekly yield was reduced, now there’s also 2 weeks where we get nothing? We count on the resources provided by the Trader’s Outpost. With these changes directly affecting a player’s account progression, I can’t help but feel like an explanation for the changes is well deserved. What is going on with the fluctuating Mysterium credits? Is there supposed to be a standard weekly allowance?
You need to complete each sidequest from 2014 to 2023 to earn 7.5 k Mysterium each.
All three sums 22.5k
So in the end , you may earn 225k Mysterium