Kingering_King Zeke_the_Xbot Furrymoosen what power do champs need to be minimum to complete act 6?
Don't worry about power rating. It's only a number at the end of the day. Worry about ranking up champs you need to counter sets of nodes and specific fights. That's going to change from quest to quest as counters for the boss fights throughout Act 6 are fairly limited and will significantly stretch a smaller roster. Get champs with some immunities, champs with some good damage over time, and champs with good survivability. Read nodes, adjust accordingly. Come back if you need help, but for more specific help. Share the nodes you're stuck on and many players here can point you in good directions. You're going to use a lot of champs to clear Act 6.
Thanks for advice. Getting 6stars to r4 gonna take time given the resources needed and gold. I have one 6star r2 so far bishop. The rest are 5 r5s. Im a try push as much i can with what ive got. Only ranking up 6s who are very good or useful and only got 7 in total. Gonna rank colossus, shuri or SIM next unless I pull someone even better before
I would say farm out some more champs for some of the boss fights, but I'm guessing you're rushing for the upcoming free champions. In that case you're just gonna have to gather your revives, find a guide, and GL!
My ride to Thronebreaker was made easy by a 5 star sig 200 Hercules, and that was an experience worth having in a frustrating game like this one. With your roster, if I had the time, I'd focus my 5 star shards on the cosmic/tech duel crystals till I had a Heimdall and Hercules (awakened and sig'd up) to steam roll 95% content to TB. Besides going for Herc, you can also use more Tech champs for the road. So that duel crystal should be a big help. Then I'd focus on skill crystals cause you need some bleed champs, if they haven't changed the Medusa boss fight.
Its good to know its achievable with 5stars @fitenite I would love a hercules, I'll bare that in mind. Given your experience it might be worth me considering a nick fury for his revive sig. That would also sort out a bleed champ. Not had much luck with skill champs my best is stealth spider. Pulled a 5* DD classic yesterday but he only good max sig against act 5 bosses like collector. I'll Starr opening some mut/skill and cos/tec crystals next time
Get champs with some immunities, champs with some good damage over time, and champs with good survivability. Read nodes, adjust accordingly. Come back if you need help, but for more specific help. Share the nodes you're stuck on and many players here can point you in good directions. You're going to use a lot of champs to clear Act 6.
My ride to Thronebreaker was made easy by a 5 star sig 200 Hercules, and that was an experience worth having in a frustrating game like this one. With your roster, if I had the time, I'd focus my 5 star shards on the cosmic/tech duel crystals till I had a Heimdall and Hercules (awakened and sig'd up) to steam roll 95% content to TB. Besides going for Herc, you can also use more Tech champs for the road. So that duel crystal should be a big help. Then I'd focus on skill crystals cause you need some bleed champs, if they haven't changed the Medusa boss fight.