Moo Man’s about to remind everyone why he’s a top 3 Mystic Champion. The hard-hitting tank will be a nightmare to deal with. I don’t want any of the new champs from the Titan crystal… I want this guy 🐮
How would you rank out the top 10 mystics? Rintrah is by no means a bad champion, and overall is a very solid champ, but he's not top 3. The mystic class is stacked at the top. I personally wouldn't put him in the top 5. Doom, Chavez, Kushala, WBN already kick him down to #5 at best and I'm still gonna put champs like Abs and Juggs ahead of him at least. With that being said, I am very much looking forward to 7* Rintrah and hope to get him.
How do rank out the top 10 mystics? Rintrah is by no means a bad champion, and overall is a very solid champ, but he's not top 3. The mystic class is stacked at the top. I personally wouldn't put him in the top 5. Doom, Chavez, Kushala, WBN already kick him down to #5 at best and I'm still gonna put champs like Abs and Juggs ahead of him at least. With that being said, I am very much looking forward to 7* Rintrah and hope to get him.
He used to be top on tier lists and was ranked up a lot before 7* were a thing. Literally the most ranked mystic after doom at that time.
How do rank out the top 10 mystics? Rintrah is by no means a bad champion, and overall is a very solid champ, but he's not top 3. The mystic class is stacked at the top. I personally wouldn't put him in the top 5. Doom, Chavez, Kushala, WBN already kick him down to #5 at best and I'm still gonna put champs like Abs and Juggs ahead of him at least. With that being said, I am very much looking forward to 7* Rintrah and hope to get him.
He used to be top on tier lists and was ranked up a lot before 7* were a thing. Literally the most ranked mystic after doom at that time.
I am definitely aware of that. Yes, there was a period of time when that was true. I believe that was before Chavez was buffed (maybe Juggs too) and it was definitely before Kushala, Abs and WBN joined the party. Like I said, he's a really solid champ and I want to pull him as a 7*. He just isn't a top 3 candidate anymore, but I'm also not going to take a dump on anyone ranking him over the other mentioned champs.
He fell because he was reliant on sp2 crit chance Now hopefully that issue will be less with him as 7* crit focus and will nuke everyone with single sp2 crit
How would you rank out the top 10 mystics? Rintrah is by no means a bad champion, and overall is a very solid champ, but he's not top 3. The mystic class is stacked at the top. I personally wouldn't put him in the top 5. Doom, Chavez, Kushala, WBN already kick him down to #5 at best and I'm still gonna put champs like Abs and Juggs ahead of him at least. With that being said, I am very much looking forward to 7* Rintrah and hope to get him.
@PT_99 Yeah that’s his one and only ‘flaw’ tbh. He hits super hard even without the crit though so it really isn’t enough for some to say he fell off. He’s one of the only 6* champs that still gets used in top tier BG’s (from what i’ve experienced anyway). 7* Rintrah will have everyone loving him again, no doubt.
Moo Man’s about to remind everyone why he’s a top 3 Mystic Champion. The hard-hitting tank will be a nightmare to deal with. I don’t want any of the new champs from the Titan crystal… I want this guy 🐮
My 6 stars now with 21k P.I most of times banned on BG
How would you rank out the top 10 mystics? Rintrah is by no means a bad champion, and overall is a very solid champ, but he's not top 3. The mystic class is stacked at the top. I personally wouldn't put him in the top 5. Doom, Chavez, Kushala, WBN already kick him down to #5 at best and I'm still gonna put champs like Abs and Juggs ahead of him at least. With that being said, I am very much looking forward to 7* Rintrah and hope to get him.
Rintrah is a more well-rounded champ than most mystics. In battlegrounds, he's a viable attacker and defender, whereas most champs fit in one of those categories but not both. Chavez and Kushala are both trash on defense but amazing on offense. Personally, I'd put Rintrah above Doom on defense but Doom above Rintrah on offense. Overall, I'd put Rintrah at third in the mystic class behind Doom and Abs man.
@Mmaatthheeww That’s validdd. Nothing you said was really wrong He is without a doubt, one of the best duel threats in the entirety of MCOC. People have just forgotten. They’ll remember soon enough 🔥 Moo Man is insane
Moo Man’s about to remind everyone why he’s a top 3 Mystic Champion. The hard-hitting tank will be a nightmare to deal with. I don’t want any of the new champs from the Titan crystal… I want this guy 🐮
How would you rank out the top 10 mystics? Rintrah is by no means a bad champion, and overall is a very solid champ, but he's not top 3. The mystic class is stacked at the top. I personally wouldn't put him in the top 5. Doom, Chavez, Kushala, WBN already kick him down to #5 at best and I'm still gonna put champs like Abs and Juggs ahead of him at least. With that being said, I am very much looking forward to 7* Rintrah and hope to get him.
This is the short term memory of the community. Rintrah was a top 5 mystic when Chavez (post buff) wasnt in the top 10. She became a 7* and she was everywhere. Now that Rintrah is becoming a 7*, he definitely will be top 5 or may fall just short with new releases like Kushala. Stat focus will allow you to increase crit rating and last I checked, one sp 2 crit is up there with one of the best damage dealers in the game.
I never got the Rintrah love. When I awakened him I feel like he actually got worse, it was harder to manage his power with his charges. As a defender you just knock him down. He's SP1 is so easy to counter heavy that even a stun immune does not matter.
I never got the Rintrah love. When I awakened him I feel like he actually got worse, it was harder to manage his power with his charges. As a defender you just knock him down. He's SP1 is so easy to counter heavy that even a stun immune does not matter.
He’s pretty tanky as a defender. Yes the power gain makes it harder to control but he can spam more specials
I never got the Rintrah love. When I awakened him I feel like he actually got worse, it was harder to manage his power with his charges. As a defender you just knock him down. He's SP1 is so easy to counter heavy that even a stun immune does not matter.
He’s pretty tanky as a defender. Yes the power gain makes it harder to control but he can spam more specials
Yeh you can spam more specials but is that you want? I feel like the play was to get you charges or whatever up, root yourself while your opponent is in the corner, get the ruptures going then launch the SP2. The awakening made that harder.
How would you rank out the top 10 mystics? Rintrah is by no means a bad champion, and overall is a very solid champ, but he's not top 3. The mystic class is stacked at the top. I personally wouldn't put him in the top 5. Doom, Chavez, Kushala, WBN already kick him down to #5 at best and I'm still gonna put champs like Abs and Juggs ahead of him at least. With that being said, I am very much looking forward to 7* Rintrah and hope to get him.
I find your lack of mentioning Tigra in the top 5 disturbing
How would you rank out the top 10 mystics? Rintrah is by no means a bad champion, and overall is a very solid champ, but he's not top 3. The mystic class is stacked at the top. I personally wouldn't put him in the top 5. Doom, Chavez, Kushala, WBN already kick him down to #5 at best and I'm still gonna put champs like Abs and Juggs ahead of him at least. With that being said, I am very much looking forward to 7* Rintrah and hope to get him.
I think it depends on the game mode. Overall mystics I agree he’s not top 3 but, I’d rank Rintrah as a top 3 mystic dual threat, and I think he’s the best neutralize champ. He’s a time stall on defense and if you aren’t careful it’s easy to push him into unstoppable. Plus with the Crit stat focus we might actually see those beautiful yellow numbers on his sp2.
I never got the Rintrah love. When I awakened him I feel like he actually got worse, it was harder to manage his power with his charges. As a defender you just knock him down. He's SP1 is so easy to counter heavy that even a stun immune does not matter.
He’s pretty tanky as a defender. Yes the power gain makes it harder to control but he can spam more specials
Yeh you can spam more specials but is that you want? I feel like the play was to get you charges or whatever up, root yourself while your opponent is in the corner, get the ruptures going then launch the SP2. The awakening made that harder.
As a Rintrah user (second favourite after Doom), i preferred him unawakened because seeing that crit on the sp2 is fantastic. Yes the regen doesnt trigger but its ok. He is definitely better on defense awakened. His tankiness on defense is enough to stall in battlegrounds, even with a counter you can win on time.
7* will probably be unawakened for a while so looking forward to seeing some nice yellow numbers if i can get him early
To me Abs man has to be number 1, the perfect dual threat, sure he will get nuked by science but that’s pretty much the result of every mystic defender. Chavez second, doom third, juggs fourth, kushala fifth
Mystic class is loaded. Enough great champs that everyone's top 5 will be slightly different based on playstyle and preference. For me, Chavez and Kushala are 1a and 1b, WBN, Juggs, Sassy, Tigra, AbsMan, and Doom are interchangeable at 3-8 and we haven't gotten to Rintrah, SW, Hood, Wiccan, Enchantress, etc.. That's nuts. Outside of science class, you're not having too much trouble choosing rankups.
With that being said, I am very much looking forward to 7* Rintrah and hope to get him.
Like I said, he's a really solid champ and I want to pull him as a 7*. He just isn't a top 3 candidate anymore, but I'm also not going to take a dump on anyone ranking him over the other mentioned champs.
Now hopefully that issue will be less with him as 7* crit focus and will nuke everyone with single sp2 crit
My 6 stars now with 21k P.I most of times banned on BG
With him not being awakened, you'll see more of him on attack.
As a defender you just knock him down. He's SP1 is so easy to counter heavy that even a stun immune does not matter.
7* will probably be unawakened for a while so looking forward to seeing some nice yellow numbers if i can get him early