You can’t convince me that this is actually possible

First round, was a 7 star rank 1 immortal hulk with a PI of 13,000 against my rank 4 ascended sig 200 mojo. There is no way immortal hulk can do a fight that fast. Maybe I’m wrong, but it’s up until the next fight that triggered me that it actually wasn’t possible.
Second round, he used his rank 5 ascended archangel against my 7 star rank 1 leveled up overseer. I thought overseer is poison immune? No way he did that within 18 seconds. Let me know is this guy was cheating….
also, only 19 hits...? Very strange
Someone is asleep at the wheel again.
there should be enough is enough clause (make your bed abd sleep in it)
The same with nuisance streamers, pranks are supposed to be funny, but once they over-step that fine line of comedy and intrude over another individuals right and private space.. they need to be prosecuted as criminals causing disturbance to public safety.