Does one need to be in an active alliance to grab the 7 star Deathless She Hulk piece?

Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★
I read the summary notes on Livestream and saw that one piece of 7 star Deathless She Hulk will be in Banquet rewards. Does one need to be in an active Alliance to get the reward? Asking as I am currently in a relatively inactive Alliance and enjoying the peace and comfort to progress at my own pace. But I am shooting for all pieces of Deathless She Hulk and already have the first 3 pieces. If the Alliance needs to score a lot of points to get the next piece, I don’t think we will make it and I will need to look to join a more active Alliance


  • GalactikDonutGalactikDonut Member Posts: 420 ★★★
    last year the piece was in the banquet solo event, so unless they change it for some reason you should be fine
  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    Thanks @Bendy and @GalactikDonut for the quick assurance. I will stay put then.
  • Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Member Posts: 1,471 ★★★★★
    OP, you should probably join a more active alliance anyway if you are rewards-focused. Banquet is a terrible time of year to be stuck in an ally that doesn’t participate much.
  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    I feel like I’m in a semi retired state, happy to play the game at my own pace without obligations and not burning out. On my own initiative, I complete boss rush for AQ and low tier wars but all by myself. I do appreciate the better rewards in a more active Alliance but in the past ones I have been in, I don’t feel appreciated even though I do contribute.
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