Mutant champions help me decide

MCOC_9009MCOC_9009 Member Posts: 10
I have two six star mutant champions: Colossus Rank 1 Max Level, and X-23 at Rank 1 Level 1. Who should I rank up? I have resources to only rank up one of them. I need to progress the story.
So far I only have six star Doom, Zemo and Fixit at Rank 2 (Max Level).
So my choice would be: Beta Ray Bill or Angela?, Mysterio or Guardian? and as stated above Colossus or X-23?


  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,280 ★★★★★
    Need to know what part of the story progression you are up to - although with low level 6*s as your focus I'm guessing around Uncollected?

    Angela is probably going to be of more use to you than BRB, just because she hits like a tank and is much more straight forward to play. Plus when you manage to awaken and sig her up you'll gain some great anti-auto-block utility.

    Mysterio gives you Poison Immunity, but Guardian's probably going to be more useful to you overall, especially since you already have the poison utility with Fixit.

    Finally X-23 v Colossus - eh...neither are GREAT but Colossus at least gives you some great immunity utility and he still hits like a truck, and generally you can still Parry with impunity.
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