10 mil alliance looking for 1-2 players - 4900+ prestige
Member Posts: 7
Looking for a couple new members. We're a fun group who support and learn from one another to encourage improvement and growth in the game. We are more laid back and understand the demands of life, but are competitive when it comes to AQ and AW and you will be expected to move and communicate in a timely matter. We are AQ focused and complete 5x5 100% on a weekly basis and have been scoring around 105 million. We have a prestige of 4900 and are looking for someone similar or higher. Currently sitting in tier 5 for AW, typically sit around tiers 3-5. We are running a 2bg rotation for war to allow time for act 5 progression. If interested, let me know your AQ and AW experience and where you're at with story quests.
Gold - 100k
Chips - 30k
Loyalty - 10k
Please message me on line, my line Id is supreven
Gold - 100k
Chips - 30k
Loyalty - 10k
Please message me on line, my line Id is supreven