New Challengers Approaching: My 10 Year Carina Challenge Guide

Guess who's back, back again.... Time for the first of my guides for the new Carina Challenges! We're starting off hot, as I went for the 10 year anniversary full path straight away. Let's jump right in, shall we?
A quick note: since I've already done guides on every Necropolis path, I won't go too into detail regarding the specific abilities of each defender. Go check out my other necropolis guides if you want something a bit more in-depth.
The Squad:
7* R2 unduped wong with 4* switch relic
7* R2 unduped adam with 4* thor relic
7* R2 unduped knull with 4* venom relic
7* R2 sig 20 symbiote supreme with 6* switch relic
6* R3 sig 60 wiccan, no relic
The Stash:
11273 units
20 L1 revives
20 L2 revives plus 4 in the stash
8 L3 revives from crucible
10 team revives plus one in the stash
548 free valiant crystals
A whole bunch of L3, L4 and L5 potions (I believe it was around 150 L3, 25 L4, 9 L5)
Masteries: Just a typical setup with willpower and no suicides. Had 3/5 mystic dispersion for wong.
Now before we get started, I wanted to go over the general Wong rotation I used for this challenge:
- Start with the orange spell so you can ramp up your energy charges. Build to just under 2 bars of power, throw a sp1 to get the spell, then quickly build up and throw another sp1 to get another orange spell.
- Hit the opponent to build energy, then heavy charge to a sp2 to refresh your spells. Remember that sp2 is unblockable while your unstoppable from your heavy is active so feel free to just throw it out immediately
- Cycle to the blue spells, then build those up while keeping your spells refreshed. This part just requires some decent judgement on your energy and spell duration
- Once the blue spells are done, build the green spells and the remaining orange spell, then start spamming sp2 until you die
Throughout this post, I'll refer to this rotation as the Wongers Rotation. I will note any rotation changes for specific fights once we get to them.
Journey to the Grandmaster (I did the Titania-Guardian path):
TRAP NODE ALERT: This one is pretty straightforward. From Titania to Psycho Man, your parries will tranquilize you which reduces the ability accuracy of your debuffs. Try not to parry too much and you'll be fine.
Titania was alright, this fight is the perfect testing ground if you want to get better at using wong in necro. Try not to dash back too much or else you'll pause her haymaker unblockable and unstoppable. Don't be afraid to take some block damage since the sp2 will just heal you back up once you are ramped. 1 revive with the Wongers Rotation.
Aarkus wasn't too bad. Started with symbiote supreme and managed to take off 33%, then finished the rest with wong. For this one, you might want to start with ramping the green spell instead of the orange one just so you can deal with the coldsnap damage. Once you are ramped, you are basically taking no coldsnap damage or sp2 block damage. No revives spent but I did die once with SS.
Omega Sentinel was incredibly easy, she basically gets a lot more armor and thus more auto block. Luckily, Adam's Sovereignty counter provides unblockable, so you can just breeze through it. Just don't hit her while your counter is on cooldown, bait sp1 and you'll be fine. 1 revive with Adam.
Air Walker was a bit of a pain. I went in with wong and ended up getting a dark tide passive on me, which makes the fun and interactive damage nearly impossible to deal with. Very fun way to waste 2 revives.
To ensure you have a better time than I did, MAKE SURE YOU BLOCK THE LAST HIT OF AIR WALKER'S SPECIALS, as this prevents the dark tide from applying. Similar to Aarkus, ramp your green spells first so you can regenerate the block damage from specials. Mind the knockdown timer, and try to get him down in the first couple of tries, otherwise his power gain starts going nuts. 5 revives with Wong.
Captain Britain was incredibly easy. Wongers Rotation got her down in 1 revive. While not necessary to ramp immediately like the previous couple of fights, the green spell helps a lot with dealing with Captain Britain's special attacks as they are all energy damage and they can reverse your controls.
Wiccan was also very easy. Ramp your green spells first to deal with the incinerate and sp2 damage and don't let wiccan use sp1 or else he'll regenerate a lot. 1 revive with Wong.
Now Psycho Man... was definitely a fight I underestimated. Tried with Knull, but I was barely able to take off 10% in one go, so I just decided to wong it. Keep in mind that the control box phases can cause your heavy attack power gain as well as your dimensions to fail, which in turn will power lock you. On top of that, you also have to pay attention to his prompts or else you'll take damage. However, even with all this the Wongers Rotation can still put in big time work, albeit with a lot of micromanagement. 6 revives spent here, many mistakes were made.
TRAP NODE ALERT: From Guardian to Nova you can't land consecutive combo enders or else you'll get auto blocked. Mind your combos and this one's a breeze to deal with.
Guardian was pretty straightforward with Adam, just don't throw specials while your counter isn't active and you'll be fine. 2 revives spent here due to bad AI.
Valkyrie was a bit of an interesting one. I tried Knull to start, and he has a very cool interaction in this fight. Basically, whenever you hit valkyrie's block, she gets 6 combo and a pierce passive, which you need to make her specials cost power. However, this inflated combo count allows Knull's darkness charges to massively stack, which results in valkyrie staying power locked for pretty much the entire fight up to the final enrage. This allows you to just heavy spam and build your charges and eventually build a decently large corruption. However, even that wasn't enough for Knull to do too much in this one, so I ended up switching to Adam to finish it up. Keep in mind that valkyrie will purify your non-damaging debuffs like crazy once she gets her bulwarks active, so both Adam and Knull are quite inconsistent here, however you can still push through with a decent amount of resources. 5 revives, including a team revive.
Red guardian was an absolute joke with Wong. Use your heavies and break the shield with your special attacks since it will constantly decrease when you land a non-heavy hit. Mind the unblockable in the final 30% and you'll be good to go, managed to solo this one.
Sam Wilson wasn't too terrible. Use Adam to get around his auto block and try not to hit his block too much. Bait sp1 and win. 1 revive.
Dragon man is quite easy as long as the AI throws specials (which admittedly can be a rarity sometimes). Soloed this guy with the Wongers Rotation.
Beardo was also very straightforward, just a bit long due to the glancing. Mind the skill and tech abilities since those will purify your stuns and reduce your power gain via petrify. 1 revive with the Wongers Rotation.
Nova was a joke with Wong. Bait specials, don't stay too close for too long, and throw your sp2s while your unstoppable isn't active to prevent the damage reduction. Easy solo.
And lastly, of course, is the Grandmaster. Nothing new to note here, if you've done necropolis before then you should not have a problem with this guy. Play around the phases and you'll be good to go. I started with wong and got him to 71%. I then went crazy with Symbiote Supreme and got him down to 7% the very next try. Took off another 2% with adam, then I revived wong to get him to the final 1%. Wiccan cleaned house after that.
And that's it! Overall it wasn't too bad of a time, and I was able to do it fairly cheap as well!
The Final Cost:
19 L2 revives
3 L3 revives
2 L1 revives
1 team revive
60 free crystals
Way too many potions to count
Not a single unit (yay!)
Couple hours out of my Tuesday, had to work so this was drawn out over the course of the day.
The Rewards:
Opened 2 basic 7* crystals, got hawkeye and Sam wilson. Rip.
Was able to open 2 titans thanks to some 7* dupes, got a Nova dupe which was unfortunate, but I also pulled iDoom for the first time. Definitely gonna R2 him once this is all over.
Quite a lot of my 7* sig stones went into the stash, so I took guardian to sig 200 so I could claim them all back. Best tech 7* and you can't tell me otherwise.
Final Thoughts and Tips:
1. At some point in your run, you'll probably run into a couple of Golden Deadpooloids. These guys aren't very difficult to deal with, but if you kill them in 60 seconds you'll get a nice attack boost for the next couple of fights which is very nice. I didn't get a single attack boost unfortunately.
2. BOOST. I ran this thing unboosted due to work, if I was boosted a lot of those 1 revive fights would've definitely been solos. Make the most out of your champs, especially for a challenge like this
3. In terms of my team, Knull and Symbiote Supreme really didn't do too much, so if you want to bring in other champs I think those two are definitely the ones you can switch around. Wong and Adam are absolute MVPs for the path however, and Wiccan makes the final phase of Grandmaster very easy, so those three are absolute musts if you want a cheap run.
4. @captain_rogers this one's for you my friend.
And with that, it's time to tackle all the half-path challenges! Probably going to start with the mutant one once I rebuild my potion stash.
Thanks for reading, hope this helped y'all!
A quick note: since I've already done guides on every Necropolis path, I won't go too into detail regarding the specific abilities of each defender. Go check out my other necropolis guides if you want something a bit more in-depth.
The Squad:
7* R2 unduped wong with 4* switch relic
7* R2 unduped adam with 4* thor relic
7* R2 unduped knull with 4* venom relic
7* R2 sig 20 symbiote supreme with 6* switch relic
6* R3 sig 60 wiccan, no relic
The Stash:
11273 units
20 L1 revives
20 L2 revives plus 4 in the stash
8 L3 revives from crucible
10 team revives plus one in the stash
548 free valiant crystals
A whole bunch of L3, L4 and L5 potions (I believe it was around 150 L3, 25 L4, 9 L5)
Masteries: Just a typical setup with willpower and no suicides. Had 3/5 mystic dispersion for wong.
Now before we get started, I wanted to go over the general Wong rotation I used for this challenge:
- Start with the orange spell so you can ramp up your energy charges. Build to just under 2 bars of power, throw a sp1 to get the spell, then quickly build up and throw another sp1 to get another orange spell.
- Hit the opponent to build energy, then heavy charge to a sp2 to refresh your spells. Remember that sp2 is unblockable while your unstoppable from your heavy is active so feel free to just throw it out immediately
- Cycle to the blue spells, then build those up while keeping your spells refreshed. This part just requires some decent judgement on your energy and spell duration
- Once the blue spells are done, build the green spells and the remaining orange spell, then start spamming sp2 until you die
Throughout this post, I'll refer to this rotation as the Wongers Rotation. I will note any rotation changes for specific fights once we get to them.
Journey to the Grandmaster (I did the Titania-Guardian path):
TRAP NODE ALERT: This one is pretty straightforward. From Titania to Psycho Man, your parries will tranquilize you which reduces the ability accuracy of your debuffs. Try not to parry too much and you'll be fine.
Titania was alright, this fight is the perfect testing ground if you want to get better at using wong in necro. Try not to dash back too much or else you'll pause her haymaker unblockable and unstoppable. Don't be afraid to take some block damage since the sp2 will just heal you back up once you are ramped. 1 revive with the Wongers Rotation.
Aarkus wasn't too bad. Started with symbiote supreme and managed to take off 33%, then finished the rest with wong. For this one, you might want to start with ramping the green spell instead of the orange one just so you can deal with the coldsnap damage. Once you are ramped, you are basically taking no coldsnap damage or sp2 block damage. No revives spent but I did die once with SS.
Omega Sentinel was incredibly easy, she basically gets a lot more armor and thus more auto block. Luckily, Adam's Sovereignty counter provides unblockable, so you can just breeze through it. Just don't hit her while your counter is on cooldown, bait sp1 and you'll be fine. 1 revive with Adam.
Air Walker was a bit of a pain. I went in with wong and ended up getting a dark tide passive on me, which makes the fun and interactive damage nearly impossible to deal with. Very fun way to waste 2 revives.
To ensure you have a better time than I did, MAKE SURE YOU BLOCK THE LAST HIT OF AIR WALKER'S SPECIALS, as this prevents the dark tide from applying. Similar to Aarkus, ramp your green spells first so you can regenerate the block damage from specials. Mind the knockdown timer, and try to get him down in the first couple of tries, otherwise his power gain starts going nuts. 5 revives with Wong.
Captain Britain was incredibly easy. Wongers Rotation got her down in 1 revive. While not necessary to ramp immediately like the previous couple of fights, the green spell helps a lot with dealing with Captain Britain's special attacks as they are all energy damage and they can reverse your controls.
Wiccan was also very easy. Ramp your green spells first to deal with the incinerate and sp2 damage and don't let wiccan use sp1 or else he'll regenerate a lot. 1 revive with Wong.
Now Psycho Man... was definitely a fight I underestimated. Tried with Knull, but I was barely able to take off 10% in one go, so I just decided to wong it. Keep in mind that the control box phases can cause your heavy attack power gain as well as your dimensions to fail, which in turn will power lock you. On top of that, you also have to pay attention to his prompts or else you'll take damage. However, even with all this the Wongers Rotation can still put in big time work, albeit with a lot of micromanagement. 6 revives spent here, many mistakes were made.
TRAP NODE ALERT: From Guardian to Nova you can't land consecutive combo enders or else you'll get auto blocked. Mind your combos and this one's a breeze to deal with.
Guardian was pretty straightforward with Adam, just don't throw specials while your counter isn't active and you'll be fine. 2 revives spent here due to bad AI.
Valkyrie was a bit of an interesting one. I tried Knull to start, and he has a very cool interaction in this fight. Basically, whenever you hit valkyrie's block, she gets 6 combo and a pierce passive, which you need to make her specials cost power. However, this inflated combo count allows Knull's darkness charges to massively stack, which results in valkyrie staying power locked for pretty much the entire fight up to the final enrage. This allows you to just heavy spam and build your charges and eventually build a decently large corruption. However, even that wasn't enough for Knull to do too much in this one, so I ended up switching to Adam to finish it up. Keep in mind that valkyrie will purify your non-damaging debuffs like crazy once she gets her bulwarks active, so both Adam and Knull are quite inconsistent here, however you can still push through with a decent amount of resources. 5 revives, including a team revive.
Red guardian was an absolute joke with Wong. Use your heavies and break the shield with your special attacks since it will constantly decrease when you land a non-heavy hit. Mind the unblockable in the final 30% and you'll be good to go, managed to solo this one.
Sam Wilson wasn't too terrible. Use Adam to get around his auto block and try not to hit his block too much. Bait sp1 and win. 1 revive.
Dragon man is quite easy as long as the AI throws specials (which admittedly can be a rarity sometimes). Soloed this guy with the Wongers Rotation.
Beardo was also very straightforward, just a bit long due to the glancing. Mind the skill and tech abilities since those will purify your stuns and reduce your power gain via petrify. 1 revive with the Wongers Rotation.
Nova was a joke with Wong. Bait specials, don't stay too close for too long, and throw your sp2s while your unstoppable isn't active to prevent the damage reduction. Easy solo.
And lastly, of course, is the Grandmaster. Nothing new to note here, if you've done necropolis before then you should not have a problem with this guy. Play around the phases and you'll be good to go. I started with wong and got him to 71%. I then went crazy with Symbiote Supreme and got him down to 7% the very next try. Took off another 2% with adam, then I revived wong to get him to the final 1%. Wiccan cleaned house after that.
And that's it! Overall it wasn't too bad of a time, and I was able to do it fairly cheap as well!
The Final Cost:
19 L2 revives
3 L3 revives
2 L1 revives
1 team revive
60 free crystals
Way too many potions to count
Not a single unit (yay!)
Couple hours out of my Tuesday, had to work so this was drawn out over the course of the day.
The Rewards:
Opened 2 basic 7* crystals, got hawkeye and Sam wilson. Rip.
Was able to open 2 titans thanks to some 7* dupes, got a Nova dupe which was unfortunate, but I also pulled iDoom for the first time. Definitely gonna R2 him once this is all over.
Quite a lot of my 7* sig stones went into the stash, so I took guardian to sig 200 so I could claim them all back. Best tech 7* and you can't tell me otherwise.
Final Thoughts and Tips:
1. At some point in your run, you'll probably run into a couple of Golden Deadpooloids. These guys aren't very difficult to deal with, but if you kill them in 60 seconds you'll get a nice attack boost for the next couple of fights which is very nice. I didn't get a single attack boost unfortunately.
2. BOOST. I ran this thing unboosted due to work, if I was boosted a lot of those 1 revive fights would've definitely been solos. Make the most out of your champs, especially for a challenge like this
3. In terms of my team, Knull and Symbiote Supreme really didn't do too much, so if you want to bring in other champs I think those two are definitely the ones you can switch around. Wong and Adam are absolute MVPs for the path however, and Wiccan makes the final phase of Grandmaster very easy, so those three are absolute musts if you want a cheap run.
4. @captain_rogers this one's for you my friend.
And with that, it's time to tackle all the half-path challenges! Probably going to start with the mutant one once I rebuild my potion stash.
Thanks for reading, hope this helped y'all!
This is my answer, thank you.
R2 Wong (duped)
R1 Wiccan (duped
R2 Adam
R3 Photon
R2 Cheeilth
@ahmynuts I believe this answers your question as well, damn that's a lot of overnight replies lol
7* R2 Sig 40 Wong
7* R2 Sig 40 Wiccan
7* R3 Sig 80 Chee’ilth
7* R1 Unduped Adam
7* R3 Science Champ - Either my sig 60 Spam or my sig 42 Photon.
Thoughts on my roster? Suggestions on my science champ? I’m primarily bringing whichever one I bring for the GM. I generally would go with Spam but I can’t remember if the GM is immune to Power Sting - if he is I’ll probably bring Photon.
GM isn't immune to power sting, but it will do very little damage as most damage comes during hair wounded phase (where he won't be throwing specials). I Heard cheelith is good for Titania, but I used Wong so I wouldn't know. @Oakenshield
I thought that this challenge would be the hardest, but besides the GM phase 3 (for me at least) it ended up being the easiest. Wong makes it super easy, which I want expecting.