Do you think deathless pieces will ever go down in price?

Took a few months off from the game this year and now I’m missing like 30,000 units worth of deathless pieces. I’d love to complete all of Carina’s challenges but of course that’s not possible now. What do you think guys any chance?
(I know not in the immediate future, I mean eventually)
(I know not in the immediate future, I mean eventually)
In fact, once Thanos deathless comes out in January, and proved all the hype was real and becomes a OP meta attacker and defender across the board. I would hope all the deathless pieces go up in price due to high demand and seeing how Thanos is destroying everything in his path.
Yeah, I think they should. It’s just the cycle of a game like this. When Kabam does the next big thing, then you will be ready and a generation of players behind you will feel left out. Just the way it goes.
Who knew so many Boomers were active on these forums?
Eventually they will be available to newer players or players that weren't end game players at the time, but it'll be awhile until they are, and they haven't said how people will be able to get them because I don't think they know yet.
Deathless Thanos propose a threat for making The Necropolis easier. This just means that unless we get next progression title and a new endgame content, we are not going to see any reduction in costs or a easy way around to attain these champions.
My comments on this post have largely been in response to someone else's comment that the pieces should become *more* expensive over time, which I don't agree with
I'm not saying make it comparatively easier for new players - there *should* be some sort of "cost" to catch up, but grinding units for over a year seems excessive