So what’s everyone doing with their titans now?

I know I still saw leader and patriot in the new pool. The last thing I want is to have hard earned and saved titans be duds. However, there are some real gems too - jack, spiral, and scream being the ones that most intrigue me, along with some others. However, I’ve seen the dazzler tests and she seems absolutely great! I’m FTP so I will not be buying the gold track to get her. In this situation, what are you doing? I have almost 3 saved. Should I sit through the newly long wait to avoid the noodles, or should I risk it and go for my main slices spiral and jack?
I want to get Jack and spiral, hit monkey would be ok too
Getting scream, spiral, Rintrah is literally game changing considering how scream is deleting everything in single sp1 sp2 rotation,
Spiral spanking serpent with her funny blades
And new Rintrah who will just refuse to die.
Plus next Titan will come in March??
Yeah that's too much of wait for dazzler.