Viv convinced Galan to come out the closet!

Disney might just be up to there old tricks… 🤥 but strangely it suits him…
May of happened due to running the IOS update mid game.

May of happened due to running the IOS update mid game.

Go Galan!
Secondly, even as a joke to imply clothing colour to gender and sexual orientation can be seen as divisive and outdated thinking.
munch those planets
And Popcorn, you need a reality check mate.
If you’re gonna make a joke like this at least make it funny would be my thing but at least it was an entertaining thread lol
On the other hand, some people are completely offended by wind, the shear fact being it completely ruin’s your emo fringe 😢
Oh yeah, very sad, very sad, anyway….
I’ve noticed 3 things that need fixing
1. Only the base energy is showing
2. Galan still hasn’t returned to the closet
3. Messages aren’t clearing to the bottom of the screen.