Need alliance

Hey! Active player needs alliance. Looking for map3 downwards. I want preferably map33222 .
I won’t be around twenty four seven, and my time zone is England (gmt-0). I want a Europe or worldwide alliance that is chatty, crazy and fun and friendly. I spam the chat and I want to make many new friends 😂

I can reach minimums, and I am 113k rated.
I also have line and ClanHQ. Reply if I’m for you 😂


  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    What’s your IGN? I’ll send you an invite but my alliance is pretty small right now and we’re not doing any AQ ‘till we have 10 members or more. Mention me if you’re interested
  • Th3N0t0r10u5Th3N0t0r10u5 Member Posts: 88
    Add me Line TheNotorious88
  • DinoHCYDinoHCY Member Posts: 58
    Message me on LINE @airwalker888 we're a start up alliance that's slowly growing. You seem like a good fit for us :smile: message me if you're interested!
  • xochloejanexochloejane Member Posts: 19
    If you’re still looking add me in game or on line. Name is the same for both. xochloejane
  • heather0995heather0995 Member Posts: 51
    You sound like a good fit for one of our alliances. Message me on line if you are still looking for somewhere: heather0995
  • JackdreadJackdread Member Posts: 10
    Looking for an alliance I'm a lvl40 but still a bit of a noob when it comes to the technical parts of the game IGN: jackdread96
  • ereno44ereno44 Member Posts: 98
    U can join mine
  • JackdreadJackdread Member Posts: 10
    Send me an invite or give me name
  • AshBunnyAshBunny Member Posts: 5
    Need an alliance, level 44, 67k rating and average player
  • ereno44ereno44 Member Posts: 98
    Ashbunny join mine
  • GolanshuGolanshu Member Posts: 38
    Add me on line, golanahu
  • GolanshuGolanshu Member Posts: 38
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