Any advice as to which of these 7 star tech champs are worthy to use an awakening gem on. Shocker, lady deathstrike or prowler? All are rank 2. Thanks everyone
And LadyD and Prowler could be awakened with regular crystal.
Agree with this, however, Shocker was available in the Gifted Guardians crystal last Banquet, so there is a possibility you could dupe him soon. In addition, they have said that those Gifted Guardians will be added to the basic crystal, but that is all we know for now.
Any advice as to which of these 7 star tech champs are worthy to use an awakening gem on. Shocker, lady deathstrike or prowler? All are rank 2. Thanks everyone
Is it easy for you to get 7* shards? If so, I'd try to awaken them from opening crystals since they're all in the basic, and save the gem for a possible new Tech who won't be in there for a while.
Any advice as to which of these 7 star tech champs are worthy to use an awakening gem on. Shocker, lady deathstrike or prowler? All are rank 2. Thanks everyone
Agree with this, however, Shocker was available in the Gifted Guardians crystal last Banquet, so there is a possibility you could dupe him soon. In addition, they have said that those Gifted Guardians will be added to the basic crystal, but that is all we know for now.
Seems like he was added today. But either way they’re all in the basic so the chance of getting them is the same.
And LadyD and Prowler could be awakened with regular crystal.
But that's just me lol.