My current favorite team

Mr sinister
Kingpin (power lock = belly flops)
Hood (Kingpin ignores debuffs)
Apocalypse (starts off fully ramped with sinister)
Onslaught or Archangel
Or replace onslaught/AA with ghost
Kingpin (power lock = belly flops)
Hood (Kingpin ignores debuffs)
Apocalypse (starts off fully ramped with sinister)
Onslaught or Archangel
Or replace onslaught/AA with ghost
And I'm pretty sure Superflash made this whole 'Apocalypse is a DUD' thread. (lmaoo good times)
I could never call apoc a dud. His unawakened kit is so good and the synergies just top it off.
Post buff i think it became a debuff, and then obviously we had multiple buff control champions ever since.
It was no brainer that his damage was substantially higher after the buff though.
And also for @Cam97 statement, fate seal is too OP ability, literally prevent all buff triggers, that's why there are more champs immune to it, compared to champs who can inflict this.
America Chavez 7
Hercules 6
Sunspot 6
The Serpent 5
Hercules 5