So… Isophyne

I think she’s great. She’s not incredible, nowhere near Kushala or top mystic level, but I think she’s quite nice. The fractured bar of power is a really nice addition to the game.
That being said, I have one pet peeve in particular with her : it’s how quickly her energy vulnerabilities and ego charges fall off. They fall off way too quickly for her to be good in non buff-heavy matchups.
I think that one simple change that could make her much better and viable, is for her to refresh her ego charges and energy vulnerabilities on special 1. She’s an original champ, a supposedly incredibly powerful champion (in the lore at least), but she doesn’t really feel like it. I think that small change will really make her so much better in non buff heavy matchups, since your ramp up and damage will be easier to maintain, but still slower that in her ideal matchups. I know she already refreshes her ego charges when gaining a bar of power, but it’s clearly, imo, not enough to maintain a good damage, especially in non buff-heavy matchups.
That being said, I have one pet peeve in particular with her : it’s how quickly her energy vulnerabilities and ego charges fall off. They fall off way too quickly for her to be good in non buff-heavy matchups.
I think that one simple change that could make her much better and viable, is for her to refresh her ego charges and energy vulnerabilities on special 1. She’s an original champ, a supposedly incredibly powerful champion (in the lore at least), but she doesn’t really feel like it. I think that small change will really make her so much better in non buff heavy matchups, since your ramp up and damage will be easier to maintain, but still slower that in her ideal matchups. I know she already refreshes her ego charges when gaining a bar of power, but it’s clearly, imo, not enough to maintain a good damage, especially in non buff-heavy matchups.
All the promos we got (even the big stuff at comic con)
The lore we got
The teases for the eidols in general
Kabams hype on them and saying that they're changing the contest
And she's just... okay? I guess? She didn't need to be absolutely busted on her own (maybe some synergies with other eidols to make her better and more powerful?) but surely she could have been better as a standalone. I mean she's overshadowed by the mystic that came out last month and possibly even purgatory who just got buffed and is coming this month too.