5* R1 Void vs Necro Diablo-reliable?

I only have 5* unranked Void for the Carina challenge, if I use him will he do good? Idc to spend even 5 revives for that if it's needed.
If I mess up and revive, will Diablo regan before I can get it under control?
If I mess up and revive, will Diablo regan before I can get it under control?
Amazing though. You just didn't want to dump iso into him?
Anyway I was so scared of Diablo, but in the end it was Spider man 2099 who took me like 20 revives to get down with 7* Crossbones... not kidding
I had 7* unduped void but someone pointed out that he doesn't work so I had to rank my 6* from r1 to r3
he did his job in 2 revives
But wouldn't 5* void sig 200 be better and cheaper? Since you only need him to reverse healing and not get hit or hit diablo
How can you even think of comparing msd with 99% of the community lol.
The most efficient and cheap way to go is to use a duped void and absolutely read and understand fight. The reading and understanding is most important part.
Even when you understand the fight "normal" players can't pull of g99 fight.
Not including void in the team may cause someone to even get roadblocked. At the least void can clear it with revives.