Realm Event shouldnt be locked behind min. individual points

JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
What is the point on doing a Community Event if its gonna be locked like a individual or alliance one?
It just removes all the "Community" spirit of getting something together, its one of the worst decissions made in this banquet


  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    I’m curious what the average unit spend is across all summoners (excluding the top 1% mega whales). Setting the top somewhere a little above that seems fair. The milestone mins seem a little steep to me but you need some minimum contributions to make people participate.

  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    We already have the Solo Milestones and Ranks + Alliance Rank, what is the point of having a communnity event if you just gonna treat it the same way?
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★

    Jefechuta said:

    We already have the Solo Milestones and Ranks + Alliance Rank, what is the point of having a communnity event if you just gonna treat it the same way?

    If the goal is 10 you put 5 and I put 5 and we are both happy, if you put 2 and I put 8... I will call you a cheap slacker and you will be happy regardless....
    Can you see it now?
    Realm event is supposed to be a Extra, you already going to have more rewards from Solo and Alliance, Realm is supposed to be for the whole community as a sign of global engagement

    If all the players while lower participation dont get the rewards, why is it fair that you get the higher ones if without their help you couldnt get those neither?

    I understand Kabam wants us to spend, but this is just nonsense
  • NMEONESNMEONES Member Posts: 292 ★★
    There def should be a min. In a realm event…..

    I still think realm events in general are horrible. I don’t want my rewards tied to anyone else’s progression on the event.

    I’m sitting here waiting for the rest of the realm milestones to unlock for me..
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,577 ★★★★
    edited December 2024
    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    We already have the Solo Milestones and Ranks + Alliance Rank, what is the point of having a communnity event if you just gonna treat it the same way?

    If the goal is 10 you put 5 and I put 5 and we are both happy, if you put 2 and I put 8... I will call you a cheap slacker and you will be happy regardless....
    Can you see it now?
    Realm event is supposed to be a Extra, you already going to have more rewards from Solo and Alliance, Realm is supposed to be for the whole community as a sign of global engagement

    If all the players while lower participation dont get the rewards, why is it fair that you get the higher ones if without their help you couldnt get those neither?

    I understand Kabam wants us to spend, but this is just nonsense
    That makes no sense, it’s not progression locked, so what someone gives out they receive back.

    If there are 10 milestones each costing 2 point per milestone, and you give 2 point and someone else gives the remaining 18 points. You will receive the rewards based on your contribution. Why should you get more reward for doing less work? You didn’t contribute for the other 8 milestones, you contributed to the two you earned.
  • KiptonadeKiptonade Member Posts: 276 ★★★
    edited December 2024
    We see this kind of thing across most of the developed world where people with more money pay more into taxes but get the same out as people who pay in less. It probably comes down to different political view points around whether it’s fair or not. Personally I think the idea to make sure people contribute is a sound one but think it’s quite predatory that people can only enjoy all of the rewards from the so called community event if they spend a huge amount of money.

    If I spent over 200k units and got all the rewards and someone spends only 2k units and gets all the rewards it’s difficult to answer how people would feel. I personally wouldn’t bother as it’s likely I’d be spending 200k units anyway and the realm event is just a nice bonus.

    I suppose if we look at the realm event with BGs and we all had to contribute a set amount of points and there were summoners who did 10x, 20x, 30x and more over the requirement to help the community get the best milestones. Were they annoyed or doing it to help out their fellow summoners?
  • TribalChiefTribalChief Member Posts: 207 ★★
    edited December 2024
    Kabam need to put stop on this people keep coming with more and more dumber ideas 😂😂😂
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,239 ★★★★★
    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    We already have the Solo Milestones and Ranks + Alliance Rank, what is the point of having a communnity event if you just gonna treat it the same way?

    If the goal is 10 you put 5 and I put 5 and we are both happy, if you put 2 and I put 8... I will call you a cheap slacker and you will be happy regardless....
    Can you see it now?
    Realm event is supposed to be a Extra, you already going to have more rewards from Solo and Alliance, Realm is supposed to be for the whole community as a sign of global engagement

    If all the players while lower participation dont get the rewards, why is it fair that you get the higher ones if without their help you couldnt get those neither?

    I understand Kabam wants us to spend, but this is just nonsense
    Well you know what.. spenders have been called "Pay 2 win" for too long, consider this event a huge middle finger from them.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    We already have the Solo Milestones and Ranks + Alliance Rank, what is the point of having a communnity event if you just gonna treat it the same way?

    If the goal is 10 you put 5 and I put 5 and we are both happy, if you put 2 and I put 8... I will call you a cheap slacker and you will be happy regardless....
    Can you see it now?
    Realm event is supposed to be a Extra, you already going to have more rewards from Solo and Alliance, Realm is supposed to be for the whole community as a sign of global engagement

    If all the players while lower participation dont get the rewards, why is it fair that you get the higher ones if without their help you couldnt get those neither?

    I understand Kabam wants us to spend, but this is just nonsense
    Well you know what.. spenders have been called "Pay 2 win" for too long, consider this event a huge middle finger from them.
    I am a spender man, or I was at least, but making a Community Event into just a big Alliance one makes no sense to me, I mean thats better for me since I afforded what I was going to spend this year but feels bad, putting limits in this kind of things destroy the whole Community spirit itself
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,239 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024
    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    Jefechuta said:

    We already have the Solo Milestones and Ranks + Alliance Rank, what is the point of having a communnity event if you just gonna treat it the same way?

    If the goal is 10 you put 5 and I put 5 and we are both happy, if you put 2 and I put 8... I will call you a cheap slacker and you will be happy regardless....
    Can you see it now?
    Realm event is supposed to be a Extra, you already going to have more rewards from Solo and Alliance, Realm is supposed to be for the whole community as a sign of global engagement

    If all the players while lower participation dont get the rewards, why is it fair that you get the higher ones if without their help you couldnt get those neither?

    I understand Kabam wants us to spend, but this is just nonsense
    Well you know what.. spenders have been called "Pay 2 win" for too long, consider this event a huge middle finger from them.
    I am a spender man, or I was at least, but making a Community Event into just a big Alliance one makes no sense to me, I mean thats better for me since I afforded what I was going to spend this year but feels bad, putting limits in this kind of things destroy the whole Community spirit itself
    I am in big favor of Thanos snapping his fingers
    4 Realm events so far.
    Road to crypt: Paragon only
    Crystals: had min requirement.
    BGs: Had min requirement
    Banquet: has min requirement
    Why complain on this specific one?
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