Buff isn't fair imo

Buff is so not fair. This is my opinion, feel free to disagree. In fact, I strongly encourage it. I had 3300 units and spent them all. Now I have no units. I got absolute trash from the crystals. Seriously. Only noteworthy thing is 7 star sentry from alliance event. You buffed the further milestones when some people used all their units already, or can't reach the further milestones. Just because I didn’t whale out or grind x amounts of units, doesn't mean that my units were not a waste. I could have done necropolis with those units, probably a couple paths based on what people have told me. Instead I used it on an event that gave me absolute trash, then they buff something that doesn't even affect me because its for milestones I can't reach. Also the buff is trash anyway. Wanna hear your opinions
Just thinking pragmatically though - they changed the reward within 24 hours on a weekend in the one place that requires the least amount of work: milestones not yet hit in the realm event.
So either
1) this is a token change to try to encourage more crystal opening to overcome tremendous backlash
2) this is the best they can do today and more changes that require far more work for people who spent units already is coming later.
I think in one sense it’s a positive sign if you want to adhere some hope to #2. The pessimistic side of me says something should have been communicated to that affect with this on the fly change.
I believe the point he is trying to make is that the buff wasn’t needed, because it buffs the rewards for players who didn’t need it. They already get the good stuff, which comes in later milestones, so why buff the later milestones ? They needed to buff the earlier ones, but ofc that’s a problem because not only did everyone already claim them, we already hit it a while ago.
Like I said in another thread, this is something they can immediately do as those milestones haven't been achieved yet. I imagine other things will come but it's Saturday and a holiday week. It's just something quick that wouldn't involve much.
If you're a whale you get the buff compensation though, so at least some of the community will have had it made fairer for them.