Sentinel doesn’t counter mutants

I know this topic has already been discussed but yeah I am one of the unlucky sods that got a 7* one from the only box they will open, every relevant mutant defender is either immune to or resistant to incineration and shock, and the simple solution is to give him plasma against mutants instead of incin on the sp2, but I have a feeling kabam won’t address this major flaw in the update…
Sentinels are to X-men what stormtroopers are to Jedi
I won't go into a full-on defense of his new kit since I don't have him yet, but I will say that he looks cool and based on how annoying he is to fight after his buff, I reckon that there's at least some juice in him. Plus, even if he's not the mutant killing machine he is in the comics, he should still work against plenty of other champions too.
Then I pulled Sentinel, but haven't tried him out yet so as I reserve my judgment until I do try him out, so far I haven't heard a ton of great things about him. 😭