Quality of Life suggestions

ArmoredGhostArmoredGhost Member Posts: 259 ★★★
1) Being able to trade AGs for Sigs
I already have too many 3*/4*/5*/6* AGs than I want or even can use. I've been using them as 1 sig stone anyway ven f I know I'll get the champ again in arena or if I keep opening featured crystals. So being able to turn them into sigs would be really nice. Probably have them equivalent to a dupe so for 4/5/6*s it would be 20 sigs and for 3*s 8 sigs.

2)Being able to trade low level ISO in for higher more consolidated ISO. This could be nice for expiring ISO. Also you wouldn't need to flip through the level up/stash so much. (I know they added the level up directly from stash but this is a step further.)

3)Being able to see a champ's synergies from other champs. As of right now I always need to check Auntmai or Khonshus Ankh to find some of the synergies these champs share. And even those can be outdated with Champion Buffs or new champs entering in.

4)A node library would be nice to be able to check what some nodes are.

5)A "Build-a-fight" where you can combine any variety of nodes+champs to practice against and see what works and what doesn't or to see some unique and fun interactions.

6)Tags for immunities/resistances. ex: #Bleed immune, #Bleed resistant, #Bleed Time Reduction etc...

7)Bookmarked teams. Being able to create a ROL farming team, or synergy teams, or a Class team for the EQs or a # team like the Thunderbolts,Defenders,Illuminati one would be very nice instead of always selecting the specific tags.

8)Being able to hold onto selectors after claiming them instead of them being automatically opened before we can open other stuff first.

9)Separating the crystals in the crystals tab by resources (like gold and 4 hour crystals), catalysts, champion crystals, arena crystals, sig crystals instead of them all being lumped together and needing to scroll back and forth


  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,166 ★★★★
    I like point 6 and 7
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,780 ★★★★★
    Agree with everything except 6. It's just not possible. Others are cool updates.
  • ArmoredGhostArmoredGhost Member Posts: 259 ★★★

    Agree with everything except 6. It's just not possible. Others are cool updates.

    It is definitely possible. It would just take a while to list.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,780 ★★★★★

    Agree with everything except 6. It's just not possible. Others are cool updates.

    It is definitely possible. It would just take a while to list.
    No because some immunities are conditional like og ironman's immunity to incenerate when armor breaks are active.
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,443 ★★★★★
    Don't get your hopes up on 5. They're not going to make difficult content easier by letting players practice a fight as much as they want at no cost.
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,804 ★★★★★

    Don't get your hopes up on 5. They're not going to make difficult content easier by letting players practice a fight as much as they want at no cost.

    5 energy, take it or leave it
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,131 ★★★★★
    5 ain't never gonna happen. Would trivialize end chapter/act and special bosses.
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,642 ★★★★★
    I would love to bench certain champs permanently in arenas to keep them from autofilling. Or at least permanently assign long ramp up champs to the bottom of the roster.
  • Greed_ExodusGreed_Exodus Member Posts: 457 ★★★
    I want to be able to use prefights in arena, it’s a peeve of mine as a grinder when I have random matches that a pre fight would help in like iron heart against a bishop or something for example, not a huge deal for the game but that’s what qol improvements are, little things that just make the game smoother
  • ArmoredGhostArmoredGhost Member Posts: 259 ★★★

    Agree with everything except 6. It's just not possible. Others are cool updates.

    It is definitely possible. It would just take a while to list.
    No because some immunities are conditional like og ironman's immunity to incenerate when armor breaks are active.
    Sure but that's part of it. #Offensive Burst champs aren't always doing their massive damage but they have the potential for it right? So if a champ has bleed immune potential you could probably be safe putting bleed immune
  • ArmoredGhostArmoredGhost Member Posts: 259 ★★★

    I want to be able to use prefights in arena, it’s a peeve of mine as a grinder when I have random matches that a pre fight would help in like iron heart against a bishop or something for example, not a huge deal for the game but that’s what qol improvements are, little things that just make the game smoother

    Oh that's very nice, also for HT
  • Ironside47Ironside47 Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    Tidy up the champion items in the inventory 🤬
  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★
    One other QOL that would mean a lot to me personally would be stopping the pop ups for the solo events and stuff.
  • Average_DesiAverage_Desi Member Posts: 1,394 ★★★★

    Agree with everything except 6. It's just not possible. Others are cool updates.

    It is definitely possible. It would just take a while to list.
    No because some immunities are conditional like og ironman's immunity to incenerate when armor breaks are active.
    Sure but that's part of it. #Offensive Burst champs aren't always doing their massive damage but they have the potential for it right? So if a champ has bleed immune potential you could probably be safe putting bleed immune
    Those tags serve no purpose except for challenges. Tags like bleed immune should help people choose champs. It's going to be a long list and not worth the effort
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,443 ★★★★★

    Agree with everything except 6. It's just not possible. Others are cool updates.

    It is definitely possible. It would just take a while to list.
    No because some immunities are conditional like og ironman's immunity to incenerate when armor breaks are active.
    Sure but that's part of it. #Offensive Burst champs aren't always doing their massive damage but they have the potential for it right? So if a champ has bleed immune potential you could probably be safe putting bleed immune
    Better for players to read champion kits than come here and complain that a tag was misleading.
  • ArmoredGhostArmoredGhost Member Posts: 259 ★★★

    Agree with everything except 6. It's just not possible. Others are cool updates.

    It is definitely possible. It would just take a while to list.
    No because some immunities are conditional like og ironman's immunity to incenerate when armor breaks are active.
    Sure but that's part of it. #Offensive Burst champs aren't always doing their massive damage but they have the potential for it right? So if a champ has bleed immune potential you could probably be safe putting bleed immune
    Better for players to read champion kits than come here and complain that a tag was misleading.
    It's more about if a player needs an Immune champ and they just want to see the options.
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