Best suicide friendly champs?

Suicide friendly champs have been around for a while now, and with the amount of new champions that have been released, I wanted to know if there are any new champions that do well with a suicide setup and despair. What do you think?
Sinister also great with them.
Release kitty as 7* kebem
Day 1 of asking for 7* Kitty Pryde
Apocalypse and any mutant as horseman is great.
Another setup I use sometimes is CMM with NF and DPX to cover both suicides.
Ghost and Wasp.
And I like the sound of that CMM synergy, I’ve got her at r3 and NF and DPX both at r5 so it’s definitely useable.
But if u use her, at beginning, u need to do parry, stun, LLLL.
This will cycle her to poison immunity.
After this, u can cycle to any u want and ur set.
A good Kitty player fights with 90% of times in phase.
* Bullseye can remove the debuffs from himself if he's awakened (and preferably high sig). He doesn't heal and he relies on throwing SP2 and SP1s, so he'll still take damage over the course of a quest, but getting rid of the poison and bleed is very nice.
* Dust is immune to both poison and bleed (and shock). She also relies on using her special but again, not having to worry about poison or bleed is nice.
* White Tiger and Count Nefaria (if awakened) can both heal, which is nice. The Count's regen is more situational than WT's, but he is also immune to bleed.
* Serpent has his cheat death mechanic when awakened, which should make him insanely sustainable.
* Deathless King Groot is both immune to bleed and has regen once awakened.
Those are the 2024 champs that I know have abilities that would make running the recoil masteries easier, but I also don't have any experience with about half of the 2024 champions so it's possible that I'm missing someone who works well with them.