Selfish Question about Banquet Realm Rank Rewards
I know this might seem like a selfish question, but I was curious if anybody might have an educated guest on how many points one would need or might need to have to qualify for the 1% or 2%-3% Rank rewards in the banquet realm event…. hypothetically, if someone were to have at least 35k in points already which is Enough to get Isophyne ….but had 60k in units and 8million in battlechips ready to waste on this event….this guy would be dumb right? because he would waste all of it and still wouldn’t qualify for the rank reward he’s looking for correct.
Let's say you're at 4-5% range right now (again, I have no idea). By jumping up to the 2-3% range, you get a trophy champion selector instead of the two 6* Abyss Nexus crystals, you get 10% of a t7b, you gain an additional t4a stack (roughly equivalent to what you get from one week of AQ), and 5K more Titan crystals.
There's a similar jump up from 2-3% to 1%.
If you look at it that way, you realize that every such jump is an absolutely trash-tier unit investment until you get up way higher. I would hold onto my units and wait until the next sale. I can almost guarantee you that there will be single offers within Deadpool's Spring Cleaning sale that will have better rewards for maybe 2-5K units than pumping in an additional 60K units into this event will net you.