Where do you rate Kushala in the Mystic Class?

Obviously not as good as Chavez and Juggernaut, but do you think she takes spot #3 in the Mystic class?
Do you think she's too slow for BGs matches? Or do you think her versatility in matchups she can take plus finishing with a full green bar makes up for it?
Do you think she's too slow for BGs matches? Or do you think her versatility in matchups she can take plus finishing with a full green bar makes up for it?
I can't remember who I used, but all of a sudden I was melting from incinerate and I was toast.
Longshot laughed, I laughed, we all laughed. 🤣
Jugs - Good in Bgs, Good outside
Kushala - Awesome in Bgs, Queen outside
Doom- Average in Bgs, King outside
Mcoc= Story, Sqs,Eqs,Aw,AQ, Temporary Endgame contents, Permanent Endgame Content, BGs
Sorry if I have hurt any BG brainrot here, cuz might do again
She have damage but her utility is not that good. She can power reverse but for that you need 3 heavies and her purple dimension up all the time.
She can reduce the potency of some buffs. But that's it.
As a Mystic champ, she falls behind as there are literally better champs than her in class. And for me BG values nothing. Content is always changing, sooner or later even her damage won't be compensating, that too in BGs.
So for me she is mid, good champ in BG.
But if someone likes her, it's their personal choice & taste and I appreciate and support individual preferences.
But if someone just judges champ solely based on BGs especially on fast attack, they are just straight up dumb as MCOC ≠ BGs.
And I don't mean anything bad to you. I am saying in general about the situation and glorification being created around BGs and champ relevancy along with it
She has 3 different damage sources AND passives with the awakened ability. She’s already insanely versatile being able to cook bullseye and serpent with good times. Her DOT is really good and she has utility for days. Can’t see how people think she’s somehow lacking in that department, even if she isn’t Juggs level fast (which not many champs are) she has more reach than him with really good damage to boot