10 year challenge Necro

Hi, i need some advice. I’m planning to complete the necro mission ‘10 year challenge’ and i would like to know which path is ‘the easiest’ and the best team for this mission. Right now i did just the titania path and one day i will explore all necro paths. Is the titania one the easiest one?
Here my 6-7*, i may rank up a few more if needed. Thanks

Here my 6-7*, i may rank up a few more if needed. Thanks

Unfortunately it does seem like the Titania to Apo is the easiest path for this challenge. As for team, I would advice
Spider Ham (I didn't have Spider Ham so used Photon)
Good luck
But for psychoman, use cheelith.
Rest are cheerleaders, on grandmaster tho, use whoever deals most damage on basic hits, Vox deals good enough and Wiccan for final immortality phase of GM.
Also I did Mr F. to Apoc path for my completion when it first came out
Unfortunately I didn't pulled Sentry from the Banquet, so know very little about him.
I understand that he was design for long contents, but also understand there is a lot of mix thought on him.
I remember when these CCP challenges was announced, Kabam Crashed did stated the Wong would be the main work house while Sentry are able to take some fights.
I think that @Gildarts99 , is right it is best to try Senty out and see how you feel.
But man ... Adam created all kinds of chaos and damage. So did Spidey Ham. I actually could've left Riri or Knull off but they were my highest ranked so. RiRi nearly solo'd the Grandmaster .. and she did solo Britain.
I'm sure Wong and Sentry users have an easier time but for me it's more than possible without them.
R2 Vox for Psycho
R2 Ham for Tigra
R2 Wong for everyone else