I would appreciate it if my words were understood accurately and not taken out of context.

Justnoob4realJustnoob4real Member Posts: 35
edited January 5 in General Discussion
I would like to point out one crucial aspect that Kabam skipped: increasing the rewards based on player alliance points and ranking. For example, top 10 alliances take top rewards, and we are 43rd place with almost 1,600,000 points, and we are already in a different reward category. One guy from our alliance placed in the
30 (you already know how much investment that is), and several of us invested decently; a few others were also in the top 2600 players. Maybe Kabam Was suppost to make same placement like they make for solo rewards. Becouse those 10 alliances get much more better rewards,than us.
We still appreciate it, but we were supposed to see better rewards for 43rd place because we would receive the same rewards as 10th place, with a 1-5% difference. As I wrote, we were 43rd; we were grinding hard.


  • KlippKlipp Member Posts: 238 ★★
    We placed 18th, I believe they should make more levels in the alliance ranked rewards. It is what it is and the event has turned me back into a f2p. The decisions kabam has made recently has left a bad taste in my mouth and as much of a success(analytically) this is to kabam I think this will push a lot of the he veteran players that spent to stop
  • Justnoob4realJustnoob4real Member Posts: 35
    edited January 5

    There has to be a cut off somewhere.

    And this is will probably get you mad, but my alliance also placed in 1-5% 707,000. You just have to commit whatever you want and hope that it turns out in your favor.

    Yes, there needs to be a cutoff, but only at 10 alliances? No, it won't make anyone mad, just show how unfair the cutoff for alliance rewards was.

    Your alliance made double the points less than us and you are in the same reward category. Any honest person will say this is unfair; we spent resources to grind really hard.

    Some players who are not even close, and are in top 4.9% alliances, receive the same rewards as us. That cutoff is not okay.

    #There are more than ten alliances#

    We've noticed from the start that it is designed to boost master alliances.

    So, if you want to frame it intellectually, to create a philosophy of cutting, or whatever, do so, but for many, such things will still seem silly.

    Let we say cut off was same for solo
    our guy spend 18 000 $
    top 30 guys spend 18 000 $
    each of us spend 200 $ plus ( becouse someone didnt spend)

    top 2600 guys spend from 2000 $ to minimum 1000 $

    what if only top 10 take same rewards and other take 1to 5 % ?

    etc. that was overal nice cut off

    But cutting off the whole alliance wasn't fair. To appraise only 10 alliances and then perhaps 400 more together is not okay..

    And those are not slightly different rewards; those are enormously different. From Pro to meme.

    Sorry but you and me we can be friends but we share different oppinion. Maybe becouse you are not alliance 11 or alliance 15 What we gonna say about them. For 1 placement they get meh rewards much more lower rewards. If someone was there in those alliances up to let we say 100 he was gonna now.

    Make nice cut off top 10 top 50 top 100 then start with percent.

    It's just not fair; But not a big deal at all. The cutoff was not nice , especially for top 11 to top 50 alliances. It's easy to say, when you were not a top 11 alliance, that "There needs to be a cutoff somewhere." Where? Up to the top 10 alliances; after that, put about 400 in the same bucket, and whoever is lucky is okay. The game has 50,000 active alliances,5000 top active, and many of them are highly competitive, but it doesn't matter. Anyone who wants to check can correct the rewards immediately while reading this topic. (those who are in the top 50 will understand this, not for the cutoff).
    Doesnt metter lets,cheers nice that we share same rewards and your alliance make 700 000 points and we 1.5 mil
    no joke cheers mate it is what it is rules are not from us just share some oppinions
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