Old School Favourites Calendar

Freebies are certainly nothing to scoff at, but are 6-star champions really that beneficial to Valiant accounts when it comes to these kinds of generous handouts? Are our expectations too misaligned to expect to receive champs & items, on the rare occasion, which are better tuned to the higher level of account?
You're a valiant
Now everyone's a valiant
You can't expect a free 7* champion every month just bcos we are all valiants
At least not at this stage of the game, some valiants still have just a handful of 7* champions
I have 75x 7* champions and getting a new 7* champion still requires some work
On the other two, 500 7* shards, some lovely iso nothing to complain about here.
I look at it similar to how certain store items aren’t available to lower progressions.
Dr. Zola