Necropolis- Not for me

This is just a quick post so I can type out my feelings on how much I must suck at this game because I have given up. I genuinely think I have the tools to beat it but I can’t figure it out. I don’t know why Necropolis is so hard for me but I think i’m just going to throw in the towel. Completing Necropolis was a hope in order to be valiant but I suppose I do not deserve it. I have watched many videos and made many attempts to no avail. Please enjoy my sorrow and move on.

Do daily ApotheBruh till you gather 20 L-1, L2 revives from 22h,
Max sig, r5 Ascend AegonGod and let him handle the rest, that's how I did 100%
No need for skills and getting stressed out, just tap tap, lol lol, sp2 spam, brrr you reached grandmaster.
But guess what? No skill needed there as well, just push him to sp2 (can't die from his sp2 😃) where it's allowed and keep hitting and spamming.
It's just THAT easy, costly but easy.
DAY 179 of asking Kabam to make L-1 revives purchasable with units
You can do it. Max revives you will need 100
If you have any specific question or problem,ask away I would be glad to help
Then you can round out the team with someone that can either boost Aegon further (I brought Nick Fury since he gives the entire team a 20% attack boost if he's KO'd) or bring a counter to a tricky fight on whichever path you choose to go through. If you go the Titania path (which is the "easy" path), for example, then I'd maybe recommend bringing a mystic that can deal with Aarkus and Air-Walker better than Aegon can.
You will need quite a lot of revives, but there are a lot of good offers that pop up at least semi-regularly that you can get to maximize things. First off is the Thronebreaker EQ completion offer. It gives you a bunch of revies and boosts for 1K gold. It's amazing when you want to explore something like Necropolis. Next up is an offer that pops up randomly (at least as far as I'm aware) but gives you a bunch of revives for 500 units. You can pick it up 5 times.
I always thought I wouldn't be able to even get through Necropolis once - heck, maybe not even a fight - but with some steady perserverance I've now explored it fully. And I enjoyed doing so!
Best of luck.
So, if he can't complete it with that roster, then yes: without wishing to be unkind, it's a skill issue.
Give it a little time, @ijeel and practice using Aegon and how to get the most out of him. Use that time to grind out 80-100 revives, and a few thousand units.
Like you say, you've got the tools to do Necropolis. If you don't have the skill now, then practice for a few weeks whilst you build up a stock of revives and units - you'll get through, next time.
I have little skill, and just punched my way through with Aegon r4 unascended. I didn't even do the heavy charge/getting hit thingy for extra furies for my first two runs. Aegon allows the unskilled like me to complete it.
Also did Airwalker with Aegon because I didn't even think about bringing Doom or someone else.
OP can do this, just needs to farm revives.
If you've really given up then it's your choice. Suggestion would be to keep practicing titania until you can build up a 200 hit combo... Then exit. It's the only fight you need to practice. Once you've managed to do it and have some revives and units then Aegon will do the rest. Getting hang of titania took me a week then it clicked. When you eventually do the run, just remember to put relics on everyone in the team and take a reverse control immune champ.
Good luck, you can do it.