Cosmic Rank Up

AgentDoom9AgentDoom9 Member Posts: 271 ★★
I have a 7* 1 to 2 gem sitting around and I want to rank up a cosmic. I’m torn between my options because they are fantastic for different things. I don’t know if I’d rank 3 any of the options in the future unless I duped one.
Knull is good for defense but needs his dupe to be better at it.
I enjoy Venom a lot, he really is a Swiss Army knife and I just pulled a 6* venom relic.
Adam is a nuke but is kinda unreliable because things like evade and unstoppable mess with his flow.
I’m not as familiar with Vox but was curious about any strong arguments for him.

Cosmic Rank Up 72 votes

PerfectExampleBigTuna_2054svilariumCROSSHAIRSDRagonKNIght27 5 votes
SligJohnnooooooquando213MagrailothosAgentDoom9EddieVanWRayven5220Justcause102SirSpectreDaywalkerXAyden_noah1Envi1peixemacacocaptain_rogersEwell65SSS69TheUglyone123BeastDadMmaatthheewwChobblyThēMandalorian 41 votes
Adam Warlock
SnizzbarDannyB01Ben_15455UltragamerJoSpidey_10Emilia90Cloudddey_broSmoky4ii20RottenSwampsFriendly001184cmSamuel69272 12 votes
buffajrJhonST33Stupid91Valkyrie1994Joker1976Will380813579rebel_Ansh_AJoneenyoAmySummersCGR_is_kingjj_jj_9Brill_14MasterBaiter 14 votes


  • Awesomep12Awesomep12 Member Posts: 1,667 ★★★★
    I meant vox
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,199 ★★★★
    I meant Venom
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 923 ★★★
    I have Vox at R2 and soon will take him to R3.
    His selling points are easy access to Undermine (which is becoming more and more necessary with all these autoblock defenders), probably the most buffs in the game, and ridiculously potent degen if played optimally.
    He's not my favorite champ but is necessary in a way my favorite champs aren't.

  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,003 ★★★★
    If you've just pulled the 6* Venom relic, I've got to say Venom. Mine is R2 (with only a duped 5* relic for now) and he will probably be my first Cosmic R3.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,906 ★★★★★
    I voted before reading you pulled a venom relic. You should rank up venom. Vox is amazing too and his undermine mechanic that stops autoblock is invaluable to me. Rank Vox up if you need an autoblock counter. Otherwise venom does some crazy damage with his relic.
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,700 ★★★★★
    Adam Warlock
    The lack of votes for Adam is crazy. He can take 95% of meta defenders and plays around a ton, even if a few things make it harder.

    He soloed Necro fights for me too, if you have the playstyle down he’s a top tier option that doesn’t rely on DOT
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,543 ★★★★★
    I meant Odin.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,266 ★★★★★
    Adam Warlock
    I meant Gamora
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 981 ★★★

    I enjoy Venom a lot.

    say no more
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