Store offer

Gambit3125Gambit3125 Member Posts: 25
The latest offer in store ( valiant class catalyst bundle ) suggests 2 their 6 class catalysts twice Thats total of four and tiers 5 catalysts 3 3 themes so total of 9 but only recived half it’s totally deciveing


  • Gambit3125Gambit3125 Member Posts: 25

  • Gambit3125Gambit3125 Member Posts: 25
    As encircled in the image
  • Gambit3125Gambit3125 Member Posts: 25
    I haven’t misunderstood it clearly say 2 tier 6 catalysts 2 times
  • UnforgvnUnforgvn Member Posts: 59
    edited January 18

    This is literally the way that all of these types of offers show up, yet no one has ever questioned the others.

    This offer isn't giving you 90 billion gold or 4,900 T1 celestial alloy, yet it reads the same way as some are interpreting the offer you shared above.

    You weren't misled, you misunderstood, because it's no different than any other offer you can find in the store right now.

    This is a change from how it ALWAYS use to be. This is how it use to look.

    So Kabam wasn't purposely being deceptive, as I'm sure it's just a bug. But with how it is shown it IS wrong and I can see why people would be confused.
  • UnforgvnUnforgvn Member Posts: 59

    I haven’t misunderstood it clearly say 2 tier 6 catalysts 2 times

  • SkunkcabbageSkunkcabbage Member Posts: 400 ★★★

    The latest offer in store ( valiant class catalyst bundle ) suggests 2 their 6 class catalysts twice Thats total of four and tiers 5 catalysts 3 3 themes so total of 9 but only recived half it’s totally deciveing

    Ah man, you're right, it says X2 X2 - with it circled like that it looks like you're buying 4 in total. It shouldn't have the X2 on the T6CC as well as the text, it needs to be just one or the other IMO.

    Well spotted!
  • SkunkcabbageSkunkcabbage Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    edited January 18
    Unforgvn said:

    This is literally the way that all of these types of offers show up, yet no one has ever questioned the others.

    This offer isn't giving you 90 billion gold or 4,900 T1 celestial alloy, yet it reads the same way as some are interpreting the offer you shared above.

    You weren't misled, you misunderstood, because it's no different than any other offer you can find in the store right now.

    This is a change from how it ALWAYS use to be. This is how it use to look.

    So Kabam wasn't purposely being deceptive, as I'm sure it's just a bug. But with how it is shown it IS wrong and I can see why people would be confused.
    Agreed - also if you look at the unit card offer it has not "doubled up" the quantity, so there's different formatting conventions being used concurrently within the game RIGHT NOW.

  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,205 ★★★★★

    Aaaaand saving that.
  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,159 ★★★★

    The latest offer in store ( valiant class catalyst bundle ) suggests 2 their 6 class catalysts twice Thats total of four and tiers 5 catalysts 3 3 themes so total of 9 but only recived half it’s totally deciveing

    I mean, I’d refer you to the traders outpost and ask you to explain all of the offers there, but someone already did that and you doubled down on your own stupidity so what even would be the point.
  • Gambit3125Gambit3125 Member Posts: 25
    I had heard ppl in the west lacked simple mathematical skills
    Last time I checked 3. * 3 is 9 not 3
    Also some in thread has already pointed out how the offers were previously u can see that that as well
    Also u could have said that it’s there new format or a visual glitch but that doesn’t make it right it still is wrong format of presentation
    That’s all I can say to u ppl
    U can call me stupid or naive but in reality u are calling yourself that and at that point I rest my case
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,205 ★★★★★

    I had heard ppl in the west lacked simple mathematical skills
    Last time I checked 3. * 3 is 9 not 3
    Also some in thread has already pointed out how the offers were previously u can see that that as well
    Also u could have said that it’s there new format or a visual glitch but that doesn’t make it right it still is wrong format of presentation
    That’s all I can say to u ppl
    U can call me stupid or naive but in reality u are calling yourself that and at that point I rest my case

    Well as an American who went through the education system I can confidently say if I've learned one thing in math class it's that 3x3 = 🐠
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