Store offer

The latest offer in store ( valiant class catalyst bundle ) suggests 2 their 6 class catalysts twice Thats total of four and tiers 5 catalysts 3 3 themes so total of 9 but only recived half it’s totally deciveing
This offer isn't giving you 90 billion gold or 4,900 T1 celestial alloy, yet it reads the same way as some are interpreting the offer you shared above.
You weren't misled, you misunderstood, because it's no different than any other offer you can find in the store right now.
All we need now is a couple of those 'Incorrectly Banned' posts as well! Let the fun begin!!!
So Kabam wasn't purposely being deceptive, as I'm sure it's just a bug. But with how it is shown it IS wrong and I can see why people would be confused.
Well spotted!
Last time I checked 3. * 3 is 9 not 3
Also some in thread has already pointed out how the offers were previously u can see that that as well
Also u could have said that it’s there new format or a visual glitch but that doesn’t make it right it still is wrong format of presentation
That’s all I can say to u ppl
U can call me stupid or naive but in reality u are calling yourself that and at that point I rest my case