SjrishiSjrishi Member Posts: 95

Defeated grandmaster on my 1st try!!! 14 revives spent, 0 units
Farmed around 200 silver health potions from ROL
Saved 15 lvl 2revives
3 lvl 2 team revives
Used moondragon's pre fight abilty to gain reverse control immunity for doom and onslaught
Gotta say Onslaught along with doom was the MVP
Paragon is next and I'd be happy if you guys help me with that+_+


  • SjrishiSjrishi Member Posts: 95
    edited January 19

    Awesome dude! Paragon will come sooner that you think. Act 7 is way easier than act 6.

    I hope thats true

    The GGC's did help me hahaha some more gold and I will rank up my r3 DOOM as well
  • dv99999dv99999 Member Posts: 116
    After gained ThroneBreaker, I was pressed because many revives/heal potions were still there, and I had to went Paragon within 2 weeks later, lol. After each chapter of Act7, the offers will also be popped up, make you be not able to refuse.
  • SjrishiSjrishi Member Posts: 95
    dv99999 said:

    After gained ThroneBreaker, I was pressed because many revives/heal potions were still there, and I had to went Paragon within 2 weeks later, lol. After each chapter of Act7, the offers will also be popped up, make you be not able to refuse.

    Haha I hope I can do it
    Only problem for me is energy I don't know about act7
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,476 ★★★★★
    Congratulations and you can get Paragon as well. Keep grinding bud
  • SjrishiSjrishi Member Posts: 95

    Congratulations and you can get Paragon as well. Keep grinding bud

    Thanks mate the grind is on all I need is units for energy refills
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,285 ★★★★★
    Paragon is easy. Act 7 is way easier than act 6. Good luck
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 764 ★★★
    Act 7 and 8 are super easy. I did act 8 in 4 days. Act 9 is more difficult, but not nearly as bad as act 6.
  • CandyCane2CandyCane2 Member Posts: 503 ★★★

    Act 7 and 8 are super easy. I did act 8 in 4 days. Act 9 is more difficult, but not nearly as bad as act 6.

    Unit man was my mvp in act 6
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 930 ★★★
    Act 6 was the only time during which I deleted this game off my phone.
    No similar frustrations going through 7, 8, and 9.1, so you've already made it through the hard part, especially because now your roster will start rapidly improving whereas most people battling through Act 6 are somewhat limited.
  • SjrishiSjrishi Member Posts: 95

    Act 6 was the only time during which I deleted this game off my phone.
    No similar frustrations going through 7, 8, and 9.1, so you've already made it through the hard part, especially because now your roster will start rapidly improving whereas most people battling through Act 6 are somewhat limited.

    Energy is the biggest problem+-+
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,329 ★★★★★

    Thronebreaker is great

    Enjoying every day 🥳
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