Carnage Buff

TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 607 ★★★
Is there any chance that he will get a buff anytime soon?

He's one of my favorite characters in the comics, and the MCOC animation team did such a great job on him, he looks and feels so great to play, but the kit is horrendously obsolete.

The webpage doesn't even mention that his specials are unblockable if the opponent is bleeding or armor broken, which is like his one somewhat unique strength.

Also, he can apply Armor Breaks only if the opponent is immune to bleeding. And his Crits deal guaranteed bleeds if the opponent is already bleeding or armor broken. But the only way the opponent would be armor broken is if they were immune to bleeds in the first place, so most of the time if the opponent is armor broken, it will guarantee that your crits have zero utility.

Just sad....


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