Question to Valiant: Do you still play monthly EQ gauntlet run?

ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★
edited 2:17AM in General Discussion
This question is about how relevant the rewards of MEQ from valiant’s perspective.
- Exploration reward from TB EQ looks pretty outdated and irrelevant for 7* roster growth.
- 1,800 refined XP from gauntlet run is like a joke if you can get 1,000 refined XP from DSE everyday.
- T2 dusts importance varies esp if you have already ascended a lot of 6*.
- It’s not about asking player auto run lower level EQ for units. I’m talking about TB and gauntlet run.

Question to Valiant: Do you still play monthly EQ gauntlet run? 98 votes

DNA3000AzKicker316phillgreenRagnarok13IrakliSketch1037Cat_MurdockcaptaincushHerbal_TaxmandoctorbJediJones77LordSmasherAgent_Tcaptain_rogersJESUSCHRISTFiiNCHSquidopusGiantwalrus56GlassbackBeastDad 41 votes
MegaSkater67BENJI830BigTuna_2054PGUNZ4694ContestOfNoobshungryhungrybbqThatGuyYouSaw235Repto23naikavonGrootman1294OurobørosJhonST33ArnavSupersha7DeaconAykut387DocWestZekedamamMCOCHazzaSparx265 55 votes
Others (please elaborate)
ItsClobberinTimeHassamaMama 2 votes


  • Supersha7Supersha7 Member Posts: 328 ★★★
    No. Glad to have a good reason to avoid it. A time sink that often had some stupidly frustrating nodes. Stopped it months ago, and not missed the outdated rewards at all. The only thing that was interesting was the 100 dust for 6 stars as I find it still nice for those 6 stars that aren’t 7 stars yet.
  • Darthbane3141Darthbane3141 Member Posts: 986 ★★★★
    It takes too much energy for it to be worth it for me. I'm in a really low tier alliance so I don't get a lot of energy refills.
  • Soumemiakas1926Soumemiakas1926 Member Posts: 462 ★★★
    I do it mostly because there is lots of iso
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,643 ★★★★★
    Reference said:

    This question is about how relevant the rewards of MEQ from valiant’s perspective.
    - Exploration reward from TB EQ looks pretty outdated and irrelevant for 7* roster growth.
    - 1,800 refined XP from gauntlet run is like a joke if you can get 1,000 refined XP from DSE everyday.
    - T2 dusts importance varies esp if you have already ascended a lot of 6*.
    - It’s not about asking player auto run lower level EQ for units. I’m talking about TB and gauntlet run.

    Haven't done EQ gauntlet in maybe a year? 🤔 As much as I love 7* shards, having to fully explore EQ again had gotten too tedious and rewards were stale. I'm over it.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,492 ★★★★★
    I tried not to to do them but the experience is the only things that make me de it if that’s wasn’t there i wouldn’t do it
  • JediJones77JediJones77 Member Posts: 197
    Yes, the difficulty level of Thronebreaker EQ is what I like to play. Not into the crazy Epoch/Woe/Carina-type quests. Those just frustrate me. I like Thronebreaker EQ, Paragon Gauntlet and the monthly side quests. Those are usually tuned just right for enjoyable play. If a quest requires revives to finish, then I think it's a badly designed quest, or at least one I am not ready to do and prefer not to do. The abovementioned ones rarely require revives, or maybe just one near the end to avoid replaying the whole lane.

    While the Thronebreaker rewards are not useful, the Paragon Gauntlet rewards are still mostly things I need. I need rank up mats for 7-stars, 7-star shards, 6-star relic shards, celestial alloys, etc. I'm still chasing a 6-star Valkyrie and Angela, which are not in the 7-star basic pool, so those 6-star nexus crystals are useful too.

    I do still collect revives in Apothecary, and attempt harder quests once they've built up and are about to expire. But one of those quests alone tends to burn out my entire inventory. So they get done very slowly. I just recently finished Act 9 exploration. I'd say my account is an average Valiant, with a dozen R3 7-stars, about 20 R2s and about 30 ascended 6-stars.
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★
    I am this month only because I am enjoying nuking content with my new R4 Hitmonkey, might even explore act 6 too haha
  • Potatoslice500Potatoslice500 Member Posts: 329 ★★
    Yeah, there's still I think 4 ascensions left I want to do
  • HassamaMamaHassamaMama Member Posts: 334 ★★★
    Others (please elaborate)
    Straight up didn’t get to finish it last month because I didn’t want to do it until two days prior. Missing that 100 t2 Primordial Dust from Paragauntlet, but only a bit since everything’s progressing towards 7*s exclusively.
  • GlassbackGlassback Member Posts: 799 ★★★
    Still need those T3a, especially now cos of the trade in for sigil store
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,574 ★★★★★
    What else am I gonna use my overflow of expiring energy refills on?
    It's too easy not to explore.
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,650 ★★★★★

    Flipped on suicides along with arena express. Arena milestones continue to be the only recurring content that matters
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